View Full Version : UUGGGHHHHH why can't I stop?

20-06-09, 00:06
So today I went to the dermatologist to have some moles checked, because I had never had them looked at before and (of course) I was fearing the C word. So, she tells me they all look normal but that she can remove the one on my back because it keeps getting caught in my bra hooks. I feel reluctant to have her poke me with a needle... but I tell myself "don't be a baby, you've been hating that mole your whole life". I say yes. It takes about 2 minutes and the mole is gone. End of story right?


I get home today and I start researching all the horrible infections and things that could go wrong with the wound. I read that removing moles can make the skin underneath MORE prone to issues later. I read that rare but -serious- infections can occur. I read that if the doctor was wrong and it -was- cancerous this minimizes my chances of recovery. I read that I can be left with a huge nasty scar. I read that it's not supposed to "hurt" afterwards, but mine is a little sore... and so of course.. I think something is wrong.

Now I'm convinced all of these things are going to happen to me. Last week I was dying because of the mole on my back. Now I'm dying because I had the mole on my back removed.

The most frustrating part is that I can sit right here and tell you that I'll probably be fine. I'm probably worrying to much. That it's probably just my phobias................... but I'm still worrying and scared. Why doesn't "knowing" stop me from thinking "what if?"


20-06-09, 00:18
it is so hard to stop the what if thinking.. Are you on any medication for you phobias that you have? Like a anti Depressent or are you like me scared to take them? All I can say is iam going threw the same thing. I assume I have a brain tumor or something worst like MS.
Stay strong and you will get out of the funk!

20-06-09, 02:14
I have had 7 moles removed over the course of my life...only being 28 now...and I only have a scar on two of them...because those were removed with margins cut in case the mole was melanoma. But all were benign, and most leave no scar, or a very faint one, and heal up perfectly. Keep lots of neosporin on it and sunblock when you are in the sun...and it will heal perfectly I bet! ;)

20-06-09, 10:13
I understand the fear, and the annoyance at it. I wish I knew how to stop it; I would certainly tell you.

20-06-09, 10:24
arrgh! my goodness -should not have read this!! have just had a dodgy mole (possible nasty one) removed by punch biopsy - and it hurts!!! I've had several major ops in the past and i swear this little one is the most sore!

How was yours removed? they've put stitches in mine (one on surface and one deep)- both of which I will have to have removed - but I don't understand why they didn't use dissolvable ones! surely they'll have to open up the top one to get to the bottom one!

argh! feeling quite stressed now!

20-06-09, 16:35
I'm sorry. :( Mine was removed by scrape biopsy. No stitches. She just stuck a needle in it, numbed it, and then cut it off. For the record the info I read about pain was relating specifically to scrape biopsy. It may be different for a "deeper" wound. It also probably varies depending on the location of the biopsy. Some areas are just more prone to pain and soreness. Personally I dont think -any- injury heals with absolutely no pain/itch/soreness etc... I think its the degree that causes concern. All healing "hurts" on some level. If your really concerned you should give your doctor a call Monday morning (or whenever they are available again). Of course, if you have a fever, the area is getting very red (redness is spreading), or you notice and weird new discharge.. you should seek more immediate attention. But, I'm guessing none of those things are happening or you'd be doing that already. ;)