View Full Version : scared!

20-06-09, 00:55
Hi all

i hate people who can deal with anything that comes there way! i am suffering tonight and have been all week, my stomach has been in knots and i just am so emotional!

i hate life, if you dont get affected by cancer, then you gotta be worried bout STD in relationships, if you dont get that then there is no end of things out there to get ya!

I just cant rationalise, i am in such a negative place, and i have always said that if i get a terminal illness then i will make my oen way out of this life!

what way is that to think or be when there are so many people out there that would kill for half the chance i have (even if i did get ill)

I just need help from someone talking sense to me!

21-06-09, 02:31
Well, all I can say is that you are going to be fine. I get in these ruts where I can't seem to pull myself out. I find my self totally focuing on a fear and driving myself nuts with constant worry. Eventually I come out of them and I feel better until the next wave. The only way I have found to cope is to not fight it. Accept the surge of hormones in your brain and it will pass sooner rather than later. Watch funny movie or go do some exercise. I equate it to any other malfunction of the body. If you had food poisoning and you knew it was food poisoning, then you would wait it out and just let it pass. I know this is easier said than done but your brain creates these fears and battling your brain is hopeless. There are some good books out there by Claire Weekes who advocates this strategy. They won't cure you but it helps me to have all the info I can get. Good luck and post whenever you need to.