View Full Version : New to NMP, hello everybody

20-06-09, 01:19
Hi, I've recently found my way to NMP. I have recently tapered off Seroxat (starting just before Christmas and finishing around four weeks ago) and am now on Day 31 of 20mg of Citalopram. I'm having really nasty anxiety sensations although my mood is generally OK - does that make sense? The worst of it is that I'm sleeping really badly, hence being up and around at this uncivilised hour. I tend to get to sleep OK but then wake up again around four hours later, and although I can sometimes get back to sleep I can't count on it. The anxiety is the usual thing - dry mouth, churning stomach, racing heart etc - and is not helped by having a very big project on at work which is what my anxiety is focussing itself on. However, I suspect that even if I didn't have anything much to actually worry about, I would still be feeling like this - the old brain biochemistry is a bit out of whack. Any hints from NMP members about coping would be very gratefully received, especially any hints about the medication from people who've changed SSRIs.
I look forward to getting to know you better.

21-06-09, 06:03
Thanks Tetley. I look forward to being able to join others in the chat room.

21-06-09, 06:04
Thanks Tetley. I look forward to being able to join others in the chat room.