View Full Version : I have panic attacks

20-06-09, 01:48
Hi I'm Tom!

I suffer from panic attacks and anxiety. Tonight I realized that for the last 4 years I have been ashamed of that fact. However, tonight I realized that there is nothing wrong with having panic attacks. I am human and have emotions I cannot control all the time. For the last 4 years I have thought panic & anxiety are signs of weakness. I have been hiding it from the world for so long scared at the fact that someone might think that I'm weird or different because I have panic attacks and bad anxiety symptoms. I am no longer ashamed of the fact that I have anxiety and panic. I know that I'm not weak but rather a strong person because I can admit the fact that I am human I can't always be perfect. Sometimes I panic and sometimes I get anxious. Sometimes I get down right scared. Sometimes I lose control of my emotions and I'm not ashamed of it anymore. Tonight I felt the strongest I have felt in quite sometime. I took a walk outside and told 3 people out of the blue that I was having a panic attack and needed to walk to get some air. You know what? Nobody cared. My neighbor actually suggested I go to the park because it was nice out.

I have panic attacks and it is part of who I am. And now I want to tell the whole world. Any ideas how to do that?

20-06-09, 11:56
It's so weird you should say this because I've had a similar epiphany myself today. I've been suffering from panic disorder for nearly a year and a half and have only really glossed over it to people. In fact until two weeks ago I refused to use the word disorder: an 'attack' implies something you get while a 'disorder' implies something you have if that makes sense.

My girlfriend split from me two nights ago and I took it very badly. I've been signed off work, had major attacks and wanted to cut myself (but I didn't). I've posted a few threads about it on here. However speaking to my ex this morning she wants to be there for me every step of the way whether we get back together or remain just friends. It made me realise like you that panic is nothing to be ashamed of.

My work are under the impression I have a chest infection and I plan to go in today and tell the truth. Like you I want to tell everyone about what I am going through- not for sympathy or advice, just to tell the world exactly who I am. The things that have sprung to mind for me are some sort of YouTube video (although admittedly this seems a bit OTT) or a post on my Facebook/MySpace or something similar. It's all I've thought of so far but I thought I'd share with you that I am feeling pretty similar to you at this moment in time.

20-06-09, 12:24

I had them for most of my life but have got to grip on them now... I take St John Wart and Seredyn in times of trouble and it seems to keep me calm in all situations. I used to get stressed when talking in groups and my heart would be pounding, my face would be red, i would start sweating.... but all that has changed now. i have a better outlook on things and the SEREDYN i take really chills me out and gives me confidence. I struggled to buy it online from UK companies and to ship it from USA was costing me a fortune. I found a guy selling it on ebay (ccfc.webbo) or just search for 'SEREDYN UK' and he sells it reasonably and sends discreetly. It is worth trying though cos you'll see a real change in your behaviour in stressful situations and this in itself will give you confidence!!! Good luck mate... :bighug1: James.

20-06-09, 17:28
Tom i agree 100% . Mike a few weeks ago and after a few weeks off work i told my boss the truth, indeed everybody nows knows whats been wrong with me, best thing ive ever done , its part of me its what i am, im doing my best to get better, ive nothing to hide from anyone and to be honest if they dont like it tough. We are all "normal" whatever that is, and i have to say im surprised how nice and understanding people have been since "ive come out". Im trying along with my CBT and meds to beat this damm thing and i really belive its important to be open and honest with other people, but most important with yourself.

20-06-09, 22:02
"I have panic attacks and it is part of who I am. And now I want to tell the whole world. Any ideas how to do that?"

What is important to you about telling the whole world? What would that get
for you by doing that?

By saying "it is part of who I am" could embed that in your identity making
it less easy to overcome, should you want to.

21-06-09, 00:56
"I have panic attacks and it is part of who I am. And now I want to tell the whole world. Any ideas how to do that?"

What is important to you about telling the whole world? What would that get
for you by doing that?

By saying "it is part of who I am" could embed that in your identity making
it less easy to overcome, should you want to.

That's quite interesting. I certainly can't speak for the original poster but for me personally I would want to make people aware of my panic attacks to help me come to terms with them myself, something I don't truly feel I've done yet. It will help me realise not to be ashamed or try to hide what I deal with. However I can relate to what you are saying about embedding it in your identity. It is certainly an aspect I hadn't considered.

the mad dan
21-06-09, 01:50
hi all

my name danny and i have painc attack . Is it normal to be like this i never happen to my life till now and its worst went i go outside the house sudden i get a panic attack and feel sick deep inside me and i feel like im lose my breath and then its gone ?
I do question myself over this wonding if it normal to be like this at all .and i do get very stress and ive been to the doctors he told me that i am very stressful person and anixery .

22-06-09, 22:03
That's quite interesting. I certainly can't speak for the original poster but for me personally I would want to make people aware of my panic attacks to help me come to terms with them myself, something I don't truly feel I've done yet. It will help me realise not to be ashamed or try to hide what I deal with. However I can relate to what you are saying about embedding it in your identity. It is certainly an aspect I hadn't considered.

Everybodies situation is different but for me it is a big help. I found the more that I have come to except the situation the more improvement I have made. Half of my battle has come from trying to hide the fact that I have anxiety & panic. It just keeps the cycle going. For me most of the fear is quite simply panic and the more I expose myself to what the consequences are of it I seem to lose the fear. This may not be the same for some people but of you really pay attention to your thoughts you will find what is giving you this anxiety.