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20-06-09, 03:13

Does anyone have bouts of fast beating heart when they are not feeling anxious?

I was on comp again tonight & slowly felt my heart rate go up, I ignored it as much as I could & carried on doing whatever I was doing. Then I thought I'd get up & walk around, see if I could get rid of it, but it started beating faster!! I did then have a pa, which made it beat even faster, so fast I daren't check it, I was sure I was going to have a heart attack & that scared me even more especially when I had pain in my chest.
I totally understand the fast heart rate when I have a pa, but not when it just comes on for no reason.

If you have this, please, please let me know!! And tell me how long they last.

I now have pain in back on the left & am thinking about heart attack again!! I took my night tranquillizer 1 hour ago but I still feel bad. I have been listening to Dr Weekes's recordings & reading her books in this last hour, but I'm sure the first fast heart rate I get is not anxiety. Please don't tell me to go to drs because I'm too frightened!!

2 months ago I had loads of blood tests, so I'm not anemic neither do I have anything wrong with my thyroid, FBC was ok, sedementation rate ok & cholestrol ok. I sound like I'm ok don't I? But none of them is anything to do with the heart!!! I am shaking like a leaf & it's 3am!!!! It's strange but 1am-2am is usually the time when I get this fast heart rate!!! What could it be?? OMG OMG OMG

I don't care about the shaking or twitching, my heart is my main worry, I'm frightened & alone.:weep: :weep:

OMG am I going to have a heart attack??


ps. Please, please answer if you can. Thank you.

20-06-09, 03:30
hi i used to have that to. And still do but not as bad. I notice it more when i'm playing softball game. I think once you notice it you keep thinking about it and it gets faster. After i noticed my heart rate then i started to fell chest pains too and back shoulder., Anyway i tried to calm myself and then it got better. My cardiologist has me on digoxin it for rappid heart rate and it supposed to make the heart beat harder. although he says notthing is wrong with my heart i guess he thinks if my anxiety acts up than my heart rate wont go to 165 at night time again. He had me on a heart rate monitor at the time. Ok hope you feel better so u can sleep

20-06-09, 03:42
Hi Kahi

Thanks for replying so quickly.

But your heart rate would go up if you were doing a sport. I was just sitting here on the comp, doing nothing.

Glad you are feeling better & the medication is helping you.

Thanks again for replying. I hope I get some sleep too but doubt it.


20-06-09, 04:02
Heya there Els,

Okay well I remember once when I was sitting in art, just y'know sketching away, at my most relaxed, totally chilled out (doing art/music are the times where I NEVER get anx)...lalalala, then WHAM -- Totally fast heart beat, like seriously I am a very sporty person and I could swear to you I had never felt my heart go so fast, for no apparant reason. This last about a whole minute, thought I was going to die, but remember when really crazy symptoms like that appear, we get IRRATIONAL THOUGHTS.

Irrational thoughts lead us to think about bizarre things, mostly serious things ie) life threatening issues;dying.

You must rememver that you are having an irrational thought. It may feel so damn real, but it ain't even a fact. It's an illusion - simply a thought.

No you will not have a heart attack - trust me, if you were, you wouldn't have been able to type out that message!!

Seriously, our bodies are built to do weird things at some point through our lives, and remember it is extremely normal to have palpitations and etopics as they are infact a part of a healthy, normal, perfectly working heart. EVERYONE gets them. Only the people who have high stress/anx levels who get a sense of 'heightened awareness' (even without you being conscious of it) of their heartbeat; they notice how it beats more.

You simply noticed a palpitation.

I know it seems too simple. But trust me, that's all it was.

You'll be fine,

Chrissy xxxxx

20-06-09, 04:19
This is classic anxiety, I'm not sure why you think it isn't.

You were already aware of your heart rate or you'd not have been aware it had gone up in the first place. The fact you were means that some part of you was focussed on you, whether you were acutely anxious or not. So you noticed it rise, in fact it was probably noticing it in the first place that caused it to rise.

Then what happens... well it's cyclical, you're not overtly anxious but you suddenly become aware of a change in your heart rate, this causes you to start to focus on it more and become anxious about it, despite trying to "ignore" it. This eventually leads into a panic attack.

What you've described is classic anxiety, just because you weren't consciously on edge at the time the heart rate rose in the first place doesn't mean anything.

Anxiety can and will creep up on you like this, it's slippery and will change all the time, so each new time you think there's something new wrong there's really not.

As for your back pain, well lets carry on the cycle from above, you've now reached panic attack mode, your heart rate is sky high, your body is shaking and you're just not feeling "right". The muscles tense, and quite possibly tense some more, they might not like that, in fact they'll probably tense and cramp and it might well hurt. You'll feel all those little aches and pains in your body because now you're focussed on feeling them.

This has happened to me and I have no doubt to many people on this board many times. You need to calm down, breathe, use whatever relaxation techniques you already have to help you cope.

If coming here and listening to people, like me, tell you what you already know helps then I hope this has helped you.


Have a hug too :)

20-06-09, 07:06
hi i hope your feeling ok now and more relaxed,we are all here for you ,,we all get the same now and again, if i get it take a swig of gaviscon sometimes the stomach can make heart race ,,,maggie

20-06-09, 11:17
I was on the bus thinking what a lovely day it was and then the sensation began.....
Just below my ribs, (when you blow down a straw into milkshake and make all those bubbles??????) that is what it felt like -- normally i gently stroke the area and it quietens down BUT this time the first touch was if I burst a balloon in my tummy and hot water flooded though my insides:weep: It was a horrible sensation i thought i was dying and grabbed the seat in front to stop me fainting to the floor........:ohmy: It all passed with 10 minutes BUT BUT the fear it left was / is awful. The doc said it was an ""Adrenalin rush"":ohmy: even now things seem tooo bright and i feel sick:weep:
I get sooo fed up with PA and HA they feed off each other and i can't seem to stop it.

28-06-09, 20:03
hiya, my heart races 10 to a dozen, seems like it is always going, that is what frightens me the most it just comes on, i cud be talking to my mum, on the comp, watching tv, or even in the bath, its the worst thing ever, my chest gets tight i am always worried about it, i cant get it off my mind, its got to the stage that i cant even have fun, and i certaintly cant do things that make my heart race like excerise cause i am even worse, i have even had a ECG to test my heart rate and it came back fine but it hasnt put my mind to rest, i still panic

28-06-09, 21:53
Hi there yes classic symptoms of anxiety panic disorder you have become sensitized to your heartbeat so you feel each beat so much more than if you were in a relaxed state of mind..you are anxiously hearing each beat. try not to get frightened and try to ignore and relax there is nothing wrong with your heart if you can try to teach yourself to ignore these beats you will then desensitize yourself from the sound and feeling of your heart lots of us have been there and had this problem it will go as long as you try not to focus on it..its good to have a strong heartbeat means the heart is lovely and healthy..take care.xxxx

28-06-09, 23:18
Hey all

Thanks for all your replies. I have had anxiety/panic for a loooooooooong time, but only ever had the heart racing when I had a panic attack. I guess I still don't really understand how it can start beating fast even when you're not feeling anxious!

Hayley - I'm like you, I avoid exercise 'cause I can't stand the fast heart beat! I always think it's gonna stop or jump outta me chest:weep:

So tired of non stop thinking about my bloody body functions all day. I'm grateful for the fact that when I sleep, I sleep for a loooooooong time. Last night/this morning/this afternoon, had nearly 12 hours sleep. Can only assume that my mind is totally exhausted from all this fear:shrug:

Thanks again for replies.

29-06-09, 06:57
hiya elsbeth

i to have had this when my heart has been very fast out the blue and its not nice at all .
there is so many things that can make this happen from something you have had to eat or a passing thought that has made u panic without even knowing it,this is what i was told when i have been to the docs about it .
do u take any meds for hayfever i find they do it ,? but really it can just happen out the blue.
ok i was told from a doctor at the hospital when i was seeing him about ectopics heart beats and fast heart rate ,that when it happend go dip your hands in icy water the cold shock to your hands puts your heart back to a normal beat ,i have tryed this and most the time it does work.
hope u have had some sleep and feeling better now
jodie x

29-06-09, 07:26
i get that aswell. This week its been awful beating fast and pounding in my chest but like you dont feel anxious at the time. It happens when im watching tv and in bed. I was in hospital a few months ago as i thought i was having a heart attack, but all the ecgs said it was ok and all blood tests clear. I think we are anxious and dont realise it or we have just become really aware of our body and when we feel our heart beat go up which i think it does in everyone we start to panic and then its the visious circle thing:blush:

take care
den 68