View Full Version : Gagging sensation

20-06-09, 13:41
I have been trying to analyse my wierd nausea feeling and after reading some old post I feel it is similar to the gagging that some people may have suffered. This is a grat help if it is right as it has worried me sick and nearly caused me to give up just lately. Please anyone else having experience of this type of sensation post here it will be such a help for me to know it is a symptom of anxiety.

My experience is, not actual gagging (yet), but a sudden and short lived gag type feeling in the back of my throat. It goes very quickly but leaves me panicky as I am emetophobic (fear of vomiting) Then feel sick from anticipatory anxiety all day, or so I hope and nothing more sinister. I have been so worried and the more worried the more it happens and the sicker I feel because of it! Sometimes it happens when I burp (anxiety brings on acid reflux with burping) this also causes the panic and the following nausea. I have some stemetil from doc which helps a bit, but I can still get the odd gag feeling. It sometimes only happens a couple of times a day and sometimes maybe 0 or more, but I have not ben sick or ctually gagged, just the feeling I am about to. Anyone understand???? It would help me so much at the moment for some similar cases. Thanks for reading!