View Full Version : Disturbed Vision and Ringing in ears

Little El
20-06-09, 14:37
Hi all,
Am hoping someone can give me a bit of reassurance about my symptoms -any advice or information would be greatly appreciated.

Was given Citalopram and Diazepam by my doc 3 weeks ago for what he thinks was a panic attack - having never experienced one I didn't know what this was - I just felt strange, living in my own bubble, not part of the same world as everyone else, horrific dizziness, constant ringing in the ears, was also staggering - almost felt as you would when drunk, fuzzy in the head and unable to walk straight. Anyway, I didn't take the diazepam cause I have 2 young children and wanted to be able to function to some extent. Took the Citalopram which simply exacerbated all my symptoms to the point where I was sure I must be dying of something serious - I lasted 8 days on them and then took myself back off them. I started to feel a bit better but have still been having trouble with my eyes - it's as if I can't look at anything without my eyes jumping to something else, eyes very sensitive to bright light - driving the car is a total nightmare as you can imagine! This has been going on for a few weeks now and some days are better than others - also have had constant ringing in both ears. Had eyes checked today and they are fine.

Has anyone else had these problems in relation to anxiety as like so many other people on here, I am beginning to think I must have a brain tumour or something! Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.:)

Little El

20-06-09, 15:02
I have eye symptoms too sometimes feel that everything is too bright or I cannot focus on things I have seen eye specialist who has confirmed my eyes are 100% read the symptoms page there is something about vision on there hope that this helps I am sure it isn't a brain tumour if you are really worried book yourself in at the opticians they will check your eyes and also the pressure behind your eyes etc.

try not to worry


21-06-09, 10:10
I had the same symptoms , it feels horrible., like you had never experienced that before. Its all anxiety , i am starting hypnosiasis and meditation that a great way to relax. You should try it
kind regards

Little El
21-06-09, 17:52
Thank you for the advice - I am just wondering how long this is going to last - I am so scared that I will never feel 'normal' again - how ungrateful do I sound - I'm sure there are people with worse symptoms than me - think it's just the fear of the unknown and not feeling like myself anymore - have had the symptoms for over a month now - each day when I wake up, I think, I wonder if I'm going to feel any better today - guess this constantly thinking about my symptoms isn't helping, however it's hard not to when it involves your eyes and dizziness - from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to bed I'm dizzy - think a visit back to the docs next week is required.

Little El.

21-06-09, 18:03
I think it is a good idea to go back to the doctor. I am the same , i wonder when this anxiety is going to end just hope it is soon and feeling sorry for my family to see me in this kind of state.
kind regards

Little El
23-06-09, 13:05
Think also that a return to the docs is needed but all they seem to want to do is give medication that has even more horrendous side-effects than the symptoms I have just now - it's a vicious circle! Feel like my life is passing me by and am fed up crying about it - time for action!!:)


Little El

25-09-11, 19:59
Hi Little El, Don't worry I have suffered Depression and Chronic anxiety since I was 15, I'm now 55. Forty Years! I also had chronic skin problems and I have diabetes! Triple whammy!! There have been times when I thoght I was going to die or go mad but I havn't. In the 1970's when I first became ill there was very little information about my condition, no internet etc.. and in those days people could be locked away in long stay hospitals and given electric shock treatment! All your symptoms are due to anxiety, nothing else, I went through the 'Have I got A Brain Tumor' thing myself, but 40 years later I'm still here.!! You just need to find your 'Drug', the one that suits you and will take away most of your symptoms and beleive me there's a 'Drug' for everyone! Mine seems to be fluvoxamine, it's great for all my symptoms including Anxiety and Depression. It can make me a little 'Euphoric' and over confidant at times and I sometimes have to take a mood stabiliser. I'm more confidant nowadays and able to experiment a bit. Recently tried Mirtazapine, It's OK but niggling side effects like ringing in the ears, sedation on lower doses, eye problems + not so good at lifting my mood so I'm probably going back to fluvoxamine. Don't give up, you WILL get there! I only wish all these newer drugs were available when I was younger,I feel I've lost a lot of my life to this illness, buy hey! there's always tomorrow!!!!!

25-09-11, 22:09
Hi little El
Im assuming the doc has checked your ears ? as an ear infection or virus could cause the dizziness .Your G.P was obviously sure it was anxiety though if you were given citalopram. Im an anxiety sufferer and sometimes find my eyes wont settle on a page to read-its like their jumping around and Ive had the sensitive to light thing too.
When I first started cit these symptoms got worse and I used to wake up with ringing in my ears but now Im in week 8 and feel loads better-do you think you could try the meds again ?