View Full Version : Ever drive yourself nuts trying to remember something?

20-06-09, 17:03
Yesterday a woman I met reminded me of someone I know, from somewhere. I can picture this persons face...even sort of hear their voice...but I have no idea where I remember them from. I've gone through jobs I've worked, Family friends, offices I visit, etc. This sounds really silly, but I'm having insomnia and this actually popped into my mind all through the night. It's like I worry that something is wrong with my brain. Why can't I remember who this person is? Or, worse yet, what if it's just someone I "made up" and I'm going insane. Then I worry about why I can't just "give up" and "let it go". It's ridiculous. Anyone else do this? It's like I feel if I could "just remember" I would be happy and feel sane/normal.

21-06-09, 07:01
I have done this too. I saw a woman walking up the road. I was in my car. She saw me and looked as if she recognised me and I thought 'oo I know you@ but couldn't for the life of me think from where. I thought about it for ages. Then it popped into my head when I was doing something else and wasn't thinking about it - it was the lady in my local bank!

You are not insane and very normal. Perhaps if you stop thinking about it for a bit, it will suddenly pop into your head.

Oh and don't forget to let me know who it was when you remember otherwise I will start obsessing about it too!!:D

21-06-09, 07:57
lol, it's been over 24 hours since I started trying to remember and unfortunately I can see the person clearly... but still no idea where I know her from. I wish I could stop thinking about it or worrying that "not knowing" meant something was wrong with me. It's popping into my head constantly. *sigh*

23-06-09, 07:12
OH MY GOD! 3 days of racking my brain and I THINK I FIGURED IT OUT. The doctor kind of reminds me of this woman who runs a clothing store I go to. I was sort of mixing the two of them together though, which is why I didn't think of her. Now I just wish I hadn't driven myself bonkers over the last few days. I should have been able to just "let it go". In fact, even know I'm catching myself going "is that really who I was trying to think of?" Why do we always second guess ourselves and test ourselves? UHG!