View Full Version : Flu symptons...

20-06-09, 20:14
Hello everyone!

Its been a couple of weeks since i last was here(I think) and its beeing going great with me for the past time.

I've barely had any health anxiety worries, I can wait with things and watch if they go away without beeing terrified non stop, ect ect.

All in all its been great,

However i've been having flu symptons since yesterday evening! Which give me some worry, i've mainly got a sore throat, clogged nose, lots of coughing with slime (Clearing my throat and stuff)
And well, you've guessed it. im a bit worried for the Maxican Flu...

The reason that im worried for itis because at work I often have to work at the area where people hand in empty bottles, as it is concidered part of my job. So I come in contact with loads of empty bottles that people drunk from so I think someone with the swine flu might have drunk from a bottle and I got it by touching it!

I wash my hands often at work ofcourse, and clean with a drip of special alcohol disinfection stuff afterwards, but im afraid it might have come through before I washed my hands...

although im not worried out of my skull, i still have that nasty pit feeling in my stomach, Does anyone happen to have some relaxing words to share? ^^

kind regards,


20-06-09, 20:37
Hey Kraggey, sorry your not feeling to well. Could you possibly wear those plasticy type hospital gloves? I can't think what they are called but... would ease up your anxiety a bit.. although I have to say, anxiety or no anxiety, I wouldn't want to be handling what other people have had their mouth around!!! Anyway, Flu!!! I had it about 7ish weeks ago, horrible, sore throat, headache, tender skin, aching muscles..... and.... I live in the west midlands where half of the swine flu cases in the country are!!could it have been? I have no idea. I didn't go to the dr as I have always been told dr's can't cure a virus!!! I let it run its course and I guess I will never know now whether it was or was not (unless of course I catch another flu which is confirmed as swine flu). I honestly would just treat it as any other flu and do what you would normally do... lots of fluids, rest etc etc.
Try not to worry, tho I do know how you feel
Get well soon

21-06-09, 02:16
Thank you for cheering me up a bit Mummto4,

Unfortionatly i've got a new worry, at first I was afraid of Mexican fever, but well, my mind started to wander and from one thing came another, now I've returned to my cancer scares, which is a shame because its been going so good...

Anyways, I decided to see what what the stuff I coughed up "Looks like", So when I just had to cough up a big clog I decided to stop it out in the sink. It looked like snot or something, very thick dark-green coloured goo..

I made the even bigger mistake of Googling..and well...I just feel down to zero again :(

21-06-09, 07:03

And, that sounds like snot/phelgm. [sp?]

Just take good care of your body, the best you can. Paracetamol, echinacea, and maybe aromatherapy baths - frankincense is good, drink plenty of water and fruit juice, soothing throat sweets.
I've just got over a bad sore/tickly throat and a slight temperature. No coughing though I did have loose bowels yesterday morning - probably from the med combo. I'm totally fine now. I'd got soaked on Monday coming home from work, so I put it down to that. Although, yes, of course, I had the same panic as you.
Apparently there are LOTS of viruses around at the moment. Probably because the weather is so dodgy.
My advice would be to take good care of yourself, and if you're still concerned tomorrow morning, give your doc or NHS direct a call.

21-06-09, 15:24
Hrmsh, maybe I got that Bronchitis then, last sunday we went on a Kanoo trip with my work, it was rainy, and we did more swimming then Rowing...

21-06-09, 15:39
How're you feeling now?

21-06-09, 18:30
Well, i'm feeling pretty good really, just a slight runny nose and the cough, but I only cough up bits of it right now, last night it was just one huge clog of green goo comming up at once :P

21-06-09, 20:03
Sounds like things are easing up and you're recovering. That's great. :)

21-06-09, 21:26
Better out than in!