View Full Version : slipping into depression again!

20-06-09, 22:01
hi all , suffered anxiety for last 3-4 years, and before that depression, quit my job 6 months ago due to panic attacks and anxiety, been on various medications to sort out the anxiety, but starting to feel worse last few weeks, also starting to go to bed in afternoon for last week, and have a , very low mood at the moment, tired all the time and dont feel positive about the future at all, dont want to slip back into depression again, dont think i can cope with it again, also obsessive and intrusive thoughts starting to come back into my head, recently switched from 20mg cipralex to 20mg citalipram, doesnt seem to make sense to me, also on amisulpride and 6mg valium, so very confused, any help or advice is appreciated, take care, damo

21-06-09, 19:36
Hi there I know this is an obvious question but have you been back to see your GP or contacted your psychiatrist? Going to bed in the afternoon obsessive and intrusive thoughts and tired all the time are all indicative of a depressive illness. When this happens to me I go back to my psychiatrist who usually tweaks my meds and it takes a while but I do begin to feel better again. I know that you might not feel like it but please arrange an urgent appointment with your GP in the morning. It is better that this latest bout of illness is deal with quickly before it gets any worse. I hope you b egin to feel better soon.

21-06-09, 22:12
thanks for your reply, have an appointment in july to asses my medication, with a mental health clinic, so hopefully that will help, was in the priory as an outpatient 5 years ago and was told i have a severe anxiety disorder, not used to not working which is not helping at all, more time to analyze and think about things, also had cbt for a year which brought be back a bit to myself, perhaps i need to try and have some more, i seem to have general anxiety, health anxiety, and depression all at the same time, also have 2 young sons who keep me going so hopefully things will improve soon, take care, damo

22-06-09, 07:51
Do you still have medical insurance? Could you get a referral back to the Priory? At least they would know you there and the services they offer are excellent. However it does not come cheap. I have had treatment there also. Try to have some structure to your day. Having two young sons will certainly keep you on your toes.When I was feeling very depressed I was told to do a relaxation cd every day, to eat healthily and to get some exercise. I would also get in touch with your local MIND who might have some daytime groups that you could attend. I know that you are having a difficult time at the moment but things will improve. For me it has been a combination of medication and therapy that has made me well again.

22-06-09, 20:44
thanks for that advice, there is a mind group local, and im going to ring them tomorrow, and im going to force myself cycling tomorrow, as i know it lifts my mood, Im going to see what happens in this appointment in july with a specialist, so hopefully things will pick up soon, ive never not been out of work for 18 years from going from college straight to work and its definately having a negative effect on my life, Im lucky I have a very supportive mum and two great sons, so im lucky in that respect, take care, damo