View Full Version : Extremely silly thoughts that depress...

21-06-09, 00:50
This is very weird and I cannot shake it... I hope people know what I'm talking about because I'm pretty sure this could be mistaken for crazy..

I seem to have a guilt over silly things that I can't get out of my head and it depresses me, my bro bought me a DVD and I didn't think it was all that good (not my fault) and for some reason I was keep feeling guilty and thinking to myself I wasn't grateful and it was upsetting me, and I was thinking what would my bro think? etc.. Really weird because in the back of my mind I knew it was ridicolous yet I couldn't get it out of my mind..

Has anyone ever experienced anything like that? I am very anxious but I don't quite get how something like that would work

21-06-09, 01:21
If you are feeling vulnerable or lacking in self-confidence, then thoughts like this can bother you. You say that you are very anxious. Have you seen your doctor about your anxiety, or discussed it with anyone else? It would be good if you cold. The sooner you get some help, the less likely it is that your anxiety will get worse.

21-06-09, 07:29
Hi there.
I can relate to the thought you had and, as an anxiety sufferer myself, I can say that is a typical anxiety symptom.

I had a similar experience when my wife and I were shopping. As we were buying some filter coffee for a particular brand of coffee machine, a young couple with a new born baby in tow stopped us to ask if we owned a particular coffee machine and would we recommend one.
The reason for thier query was due to the fact that they were about to buy a different machine that was considerably cheaper.
As we had also owned this cheaper machine we advised against buying it and told them to go for the more expensive one.

When we got home I entered into a very anxious state of worrying over the advice that we had given this young couple. Could they afford the dearer machine ? In buying the dearer item would they have had to sacrifice something else in thier budget ?
I really felt 'guilty' about the advice that I had given.

This will hopefully help you to understand that many people share these irrational thought phases and although they can somtimes be a little scary, they are a typical anxiety symptom.

Take care, relax.

22-06-09, 10:31
I always feel guilty and like i should do more for people and that my needs are not important, all very demoralising feelings. I understand completely.
Hoping the meds kick in soon and take them away.