View Full Version : 3 hour induction for college, tomorrow :(

06-09-05, 13:30

Got all brave in June and decided that whilst im recovering i might aswell make the most of free education, so i signed up to 3 days a week access course to higher education.
well its term time now, and tomorrow morning is my induction got to be there at 10am and it finishes about 1pm. i know im going to be stuck in a room with all the other students listening to the lectureres for most of that, and i just dont know that i can..
my panic comes from being in a situation i cant get out of if i need to..i cant just get up and walk out, and im dreading it.
then i started thinking about actually being at college all day for 3 days, im never usually out for more than an hour or 2 on my own and then i have escapes and ways to get back if i really need to.
having 2nd thoughts and dont know if im ready??


06-09-05, 13:35
Go and aim to stay for first lecture or first 15 mins and assess thereafter in 15-30 mins increments and keep it small steps to start with.

Noone is going to actually stop you leaving..I used to find a good coughing fit did it nicely.In the end people were glad you left the room.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

06-09-05, 13:39
Hi meg

thanks for the tip.. il bear it in mind to have a coughing fit!!
i know il probably be fine, but its the thought of what if im not, and the college is in the centre of town so always alot of traffic to get thorugh.. so that worries me.
and then iv also got to go a bit earlier to find out where my nearest toilet is!! if i dont, il be worse for not knowing where to run to if i have a bad attack!!
Hope it is fine, because i really want to do the course, if tomorrow goes bad, il be put of when i start :(


06-09-05, 13:58
Take some water in a bottle to sip and also some mints or similar to suck.

Take paper to write notes on so you can distract yourself that way.

Sit near the door so if you really really have to leave you do it without distruption to others or too much fuss.

You can get up and walk out if you need to. People won't all stare at you. You could just be popping to the loo couldn't you?

It will be a good challenge to see if you can do it in the future as well.

Just remind yourself that you don't need to leave, you are perfectly safe where you are. Yes you feel uncomfortable but nothing is going to actually hurt you. You just don't like the feeling but it will pass.

You may even get engrossed in the induction that you don't need to leave.

Another trick that I was reminded of again at the weekend was an elastic band on the wrist. You ping it when you get anxious and cos it hurts it brings your thoughts back to the current situation - i.e. pain lol.

Also they will have a break before 1pm so if you can't face going back in then don't.

I hope it goes ok for you so good luck.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

06-09-05, 14:10
Hi bubble :)

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Got all brave in June and decided that whilst im recovering i might aswell make the most of free education, so i signed up to 3 days a week access course to higher education.</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Good for you, excellent news!

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">my panic comes from being in a situation i cant get out of if i need to..i cant just get up and walk out, and im dreading it.</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

I am exactly the same! But you can leave, IF you need to (and you probably won't, once you get there) - no-one will stop you! As Nicola says, no-one will even think twice about it, and even if they give it a second thought, they will assume you are nipping for a loo break, or to get a bit of fresh air (especially if it is as hot as today!)

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">then i started thinking about actually being at college all day for 3 days, im never usually out for more than an hour or 2 on my own and then i have escapes and ways to get back if i really need to.</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

You always have a way out, if you need to take it - remind yourself of that. But do as Meg suggests, and think how fabulous you will feel each time you stay for your next target time :)

Do you have rescue remedy? If so, put a few drops in a bottle of water - a totally unobtrusive, just as effective way of taking it.

Also, don't forget your awareness continuum, for if you start to feel a bit wobbly: "I'm aware that the lecturer is speaking", "I'm aware that he is wearing a blue tie", "I'm aware that the lady in front of me has brown hair", "I'm aware that there is some grafitti on my desk", "I'm aware that it says 'Rob woz ere'" etc. etc. This is a technique a Psychologist taught me, and it does help - while you are busy telling yourself one thing you are aware of in your head, look around for the next thing you are going to be aware of, and very soon you'll be so busy being aware of things, that you won't any awareness left for anything negative! :D

Good luck, PM me if you want, and let us know how you get on!

Leah xx

--- Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.

06-09-05, 14:20
Hi Bubble,

Lol, Megs coughing tip is a good one - I'm sure I'll be using that one.

Another one so you could perhaps be able to come in and out, is to say that you have IBS, I know that is a little embarassing but I didn't mind that as i thought more people could relate.

I stumbled through an Art course a few years back with some of the most ridiculous fidgety behaviour patterns known to man but I did it and got my A' level and actually had quite a laugh doing it, when I wasn't hiding under the table drinking my rescue remedy straight from the bottle.

You can do this - do as Meg suggests break it down into managable bits, it maybe some days you only stay for an hour or whatever but don't give up on it yet, as I can vouch for the stumbling through method, it aint pretty but you do get there.

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

06-09-05, 14:34
Thanks guys for all your great tips and confidence in me!

Really want it to go well, so im gonna try all your suggestions and just be brave!

il let you know how i got on.

Thank you. :D


06-09-05, 14:58
Good luck Bubble. We will all be thinking of you


Will I ever escape this?
Will I ever be free?
Wake me up from this nightmare.
Please just give me the key!

06-09-05, 17:42
Hi Bubble

Good luck with your induction.

Just think the tutor will pobably be more nervous than you. Believe me!!

I taught ACCESS students for 2 years and really enjoyed it, and I suffer with panic attacks and anxiety.

All the best and enjoy it, you will have fun.

Take care
Sglod :)

06-09-05, 20:18
Good luck Bubble!! :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

06-09-05, 20:52
Hi bubble

i teach in a college and you may think that means im extra confident but in fact the opposite is true, especially around this time of year when i have to induct my own students. im back to work next week and am already feeling bogged with panick, constantly worrying about what the neew students will make of me. you ARE able to excuse yourself if you need to without worry, also why not speak to your tutor during your first tutorial so she can make allowances for you, its completley confidential and im sure they will be more than understanding. i just thought i may help you to know that alot of lecturers also feel this way around this time of year who dont suffer with anxiety and im sure most of your colleagues will to. afterall you will only have to introduce yourself once and then its done, please give it a go as learning new skills is great for boosting confidence and self esteem, and im sure you will meet lots of great people!!

Good luck.


07-09-05, 12:42
I agree with the last post about telling your lecturer about your panic attacks. Because we are anxious people we worry deep down what people will think, this is something i am fighting with lately.
I have told loads of people now and you will be amazed how many people have had it or there family have had it or a friend ect.

Its like my son has aspergers syndrome which is a mild form of autism, i had never told anyone at all except family but now hes started big school i have realised if the condition is out there you make life much easier for everyone (theres no shame in anxiety) infact it shows your a caring person!

Good luck with it all.


07-09-05, 15:19
All the best Bubble I do hope it goes well for you!

Take care sending you POSITIVE VIBES.

Love PIP'S X X

07-09-05, 18:06
Hope it went well for you today Bubblestar.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

11-09-05, 16:14
Hi guys


tuesday night before the induction, i had a full on panic attack, worse than iv had in months! had tears and shakes and everything! kinda made me realise actually how much better iv got seeing as i used to have them like that constantly.. but thats not what im talking about... so anyways!

Decided that going from nothing at all apart from 3 hrs voluntary in my mums playgroup to 3 full days in college is gonna take its toll on me too much and probably end up making me worse again with the stress, so sat with my mum for hours just talking about my options and what i can do.

We finally decided id be best to leave college for now and try an evening class or 2, so im still learning and not wasting a yr, but im not jumping in to quick. this way i can still help out in the playgroup which i enjoy and im doing a nvq2 there already anyways, from home and the assessor comes there to observe me.

think thats plenty for now!! until my old manager rang me friday.. ( i used to work for Virgin Vie Cosmetics, party plan) asking if i would go back for xmas cos she wants me back in her team!
so im going bk to that.. not party plan at 1st... but taking the stuff to sell in fetes, and shows and door drops etc,

So! no college, but an evening class, and playgroup and selling virgin vie!

thanks for all your support guys, and advice! wish me luck with all that lot!

sorry it was so long.... :D

11-09-05, 16:21
Wow Bubblestar! That certainly is a lot to be taking on. Evening classes sound like a reasonable compromise if you do not feel ready for the more intensive college course at present and you are certainly not going to be stuck for things to do in the meantime.

Good luck with it all.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

11-09-05, 17:10

Well you certainly have enough to keep you going so well done on making the decision and good luck with it all.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

12-09-05, 18:05
Those sound like sensible choices and its clear that you are valued in what you are doing and that is soo important right now

very good luck in them all

What evening classes are you taking ?


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?