View Full Version : I'm at a loss

21-06-09, 00:51

For some time now I've constantly been feeling light-headed and nauseous. Several times a week I get the feeling that I'm fainting and I often get headaches. In the end of my schooldays I feel that my head is getting really hot while my body is cold and it feels like a constant fever in my face, sometimes I start to coldsweat. Some days when I come home I get a breakdown and start crying and hyperventilating for no reason and it feels like if I'm completely losing control over myself and everything else. This is very awkward to me since I'm usually very happy and barely never cry. This has also happened in school, and I hyperventilated for so long that I lost my breath completely, that's when one of my teachers told me that he thought that I have a panic disorder.

When I was younger I could get the feeling that I would choke to death, especially while in noisy or crowded spaces. My mother didn't really care about that nor did she take it serious so ofcourse I felt like a nutcase. I also used to wake up in the middle of the night, feeling that it was something threathening my life and that if I did not run I would die there in my bed.

Is it possible that I may have a panic disorder? After all my dad also has it, but I don't think it'shereditary, or is it?

21-06-09, 01:18
Hello. You don't say how old you are, or if you have seen your doctor. I think that you should discuss this with your parents and doctor. Panic disorder and anxiety often does run in families, although it does not always. You may have a councellor in school who can help you as well.

23-06-09, 09:04
I would say this definitely sounds like a panic disorder. Perhaps you could go to see your GP about it? If you have any access to a homeopath I would reccomend that over ANYTHING. I've tried so many different things and homeopathy is the only thing I would trust and reccomend to anyone else.

I had the same thing when I was around 14-15; my face would get flushed and I'd get terribly nervous when I was walking home. I'd walk so fast I thought my legs would fall off, and I had this thing where I thought I was breathing too loud (?!) so I just tried not to breath till I got home and by that time I'd be panting.

I think its important to address these issues as early as possible so they don't have a chance to develop and get more complex. I made the mistake of ignoring all my symptoms and doing the "grin and bear it" thing for 6 years until I admitted I needed help. It's been 3 years, I've seen 4 different therapists and I'm only just managing to get some control back.

Perhaps there's something underlying how you appear on a day-to-day basis. Maybe you feel perfectly "fine" when you're distracted by school and other things, but when you're faced with your feelings its all too much at once? I've felt like that before.

I think a school counsellor may be a good idea, or if possible a homeopath, or a visit to the GP.

I really hope you feel better soon, love.