View Full Version : Holidays- good or bad?

21-06-09, 03:37
Just wondered how people with anxiety feel about holidays.
How many find they help?
How many just couldn't cope??

21-06-09, 04:46
They certainly help me. I don't go abroad for holidays though, I just go to as many festivals as I can. Had to ditch GLastonbury this year though, was supposed to be working too :mad:

Deepest Blue
21-06-09, 05:07
I don't mind holidays and to be honest don't go often enough. I think it depends on who you go with too, is you go with people who like to have an idea on what they want to do, then it's good because you just go with the flow without having to stress over what to do next but if you're the one doing all the leading then it can be stressfull.

21-06-09, 05:41
Yeah, it certainly depends on who you go with. I always go on holiday with my best friend because we're so close and always, with out fail, have a right laugh together. Usually at my expense :D

21-06-09, 07:48
Hi there.

I think we all need holidays, especially if you work and have a stressful job.

You should (if you suffer with anxiety) use the holiday to completly relax and release all of the stress in your mind.

Easier said than done, but essential.

21-06-09, 12:07
I find holidays make me really anxious. From the moment I begin to think seriously about going anywhere the worries begin....I even dream anxious dreams.

Not sure why this is as I love the 'idea' of a holiday but just cant seem to do it....and its getting worse.....have cancelled two holidays in the last two years and my family are getting really fed up now (and I'm running out of excuses).

Be interesting to hear others experiences/ thoughts.

Coni X

21-06-09, 18:43
Ive never been a real huge fan of holidays, always really stressful. but I do enjoy music festivals so Im with Dale on that one :)

I dont like going on holidays though where Im a week or more away my panic and anxiety gets really bad being away from home and like the above post I think something is going to happen to me like being ill or something

21-06-09, 19:47
Try taking it one step at a time... I usually take the family to popular european resorts - there will always be shops, hospitals, dentists, chemists, and plenty of people who speak english (Hotels are best). Basically anywhere like Germany, Spain, Italy, France etc will have a very similar structure to the UK so you don't need to worry any more than you would in the UK.
Try working on a baby steps approach to your holiday - pick a place fairly close so you don't have too much travelling, pick a form of transport that works for you (Eurostar / Eurotunnel seem to be the best option for those with phobias), pick a resort with lots of ex-pats (Brittany, Benidorm etc) and start from there. Oh and try and buy tickets that allow you to be flexible about journey times - this can help lessen worries.
Try a holiday in the UK that could be your first step?
Personally I find camping extremely liberating as everything is under your own steam - and cornwall has some lovely campsites and weather (and it's cheap!). The kids love it, and it's very healthy...

freudian nightmare
21-06-09, 20:42
I love holidays i must admit, i feel completely different when i go away somewhere peaceful my anxiety levels drop. But then you have to come back and face reality all over again so it doesn't last long enough, but i do think we need a holiday to unwind(try) and switch off from the mundane things in life.
Even if it only lasts a week lol! xx

21-06-09, 23:53
I love holidays. I find all the normal day to day anxieties tough. Everyone thinks I'm VERY organised, yet in reality I spend so much time worrying about everything from finances to washing up and then don't do stuff and end up in a vicious circle.

Holidays give me a break away from reality without having to feel guilty on a daily basis about the stuff I'm not doing. Thumbs up for holidays... wish I could have them 52 weeks a year and not face reality at all (not a healthy attitude I know!!!)