View Full Version : Feeling sick when something scary is coming up

21-06-09, 12:06
Does anyone else seem to feel sick all the time when they know they've got something a bit stressful coming up? I have my Take That concert this Wednesday which in itself I'm ok with, it's just the lead upto it and travelling home from Manchester (I'm in Blackpool).

In total it will be a 12 hour or so day. I am really looking forwards to seeing The Script (support act) and Take That but I don't know how my anxiety is going to cope with a 12 hour day? I went in town last weekend and was only out 2 hours and felt so sick and awful so how am I going to cope with 12 hours? Plus the weather is forecast as hot and it's an outdoor concert.

I've spent the last 2 weeks feeling like I am constantly going to be sick, I've even been waking up in the night thinking I'm going to be sick any moment and it really scares me as I'm emetophobic (also I've convinced myself I must have stomach cancer because I can't stop feeling sick)

I just wish for one day I could be normal :weep:

21-06-09, 14:38
Hey Cat80,

I just made a topic pretty much the exact same as yours I should have just posted here instead of making one ha.

Im in the exact same boat as you, Going away next Tuesday and I get ill all the time before going away to places. I have to travel 3 hours on a train to meet my friend in London then stay the night.

I mean Im supposed to be going there to enjoy myself instead I just work myself up and now Im worried about not being able to go becuase I feel ill with cold like symptoms.

21-06-09, 15:06
It's awful isn't it. I think it really is all down to the anxiety making us feel ill but it's not real. What we feel is real but I don't think it's down to any illness.

Been looking forward to the Take That concert since I bought the tickets last October and am not going to miss it, just know I am going to feel awful (well unitl Take That come on anyway).