View Full Version : can thrush cause bleeding?

miss diagnosis
21-06-09, 12:37

Last night had sex with boyfriend and afterwards i was bleeding lightly.
this has happened to me once or twice before but not for a long time.

Anyways of course im freaking out thinking cervical cancer but my boyfriends penis (sorry TMI)is red raw this morning. He has had thrush the last week and been using canestan, could he have passed it to me and would this cause bleeding? also changed to a new pill two weeks ago.

help appreciated

21-06-09, 12:58
I have had thrush fairly recently and it did cause bleeding. I was freaking out because I had had a hyst two years ago so I'm not supposed to bleed. The walls of the vagina can become irriated too and bleed when you have thrush. Have you been treating yourself with canesten? If your boyfriend has had thrush then you must be treated too whether or not you have symptoms. Also pressure on the cervix during intercourse can cause bleeding so try not to worry too much about it.