View Full Version : Always getting ill before going away

21-06-09, 14:36
Dont know if I should have posted this here or in health anxiety sorry if its wrong.

Why do I ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS get ill before going away. Its beyond a joke now :mad::mad:

I used to get panic attacks I say used to, I still get them but this health anxiety has took over now. I cant even remember the last panic attack I had its all been me feeling ill and run down or what disease have I got next GRRR.

Every single time I plan to go away somewhere I seem to come down with a cold. Can anxiety and constantly worrying 'what if i get ill' actually make me ill?

Out of 365 days a year just pick any day to go away and I can guarantee I'll be ill just before it.

Im meant to be going away on Tuesday, Paid for hotel, Train tickets and concert tickets and at the moment it looks like that money is all going down the drain. I feel real awful right now, headache, cold hands and feet, feel sick, All the flu like symptoms and this happens every time :weep:

21-06-09, 19:41
Hi sMINT, you're not alone! I never go anywhere anymore - because of feeling pretty much like you do right before :(

Do you feel that you just don't want to go? For me, it's the whole thing of being away from home, and the further I get (or know that I have to go), the worse it all is. I don't know if the problem is that I don't want to be away from home, and so get all these 'ill' symptoms so that I won't have to do it, or if it's just the travelling. I swear by diazepam for breaks/holidays (haven't had either in 3 years though!)

I've found I get the same feelings just if I've agreed to do something with someone, even if it's just to go to the pub for a drink. I start panicking, it all gets on top of me - the pressure, not wanting to let the person down etc - and I get myself in such a state. I've started getting angry now, with myself for agreeing to do things in the first place, and with my friends for not understanding that I can't actually follow through.

I can't believe I've actually got any friends left...

I hope you manage to get away, if that's what you want to do.


21-06-09, 21:01
I get these feelings before going away and have not been on a 'proper' holiday for years. Even when I just go to relatives for the weekend I am stressed. I used to work in education and it was a well recorded fact that towards the end of term everyone was dropping like flies with sore throats, flu like symptoms and generally ill feelings....tiredness and stress has al ot to answer for!! Like the above post I have diazepam for when I am going away anywhere and it works for me but Doc only gives me so many so I have to ration them!! Hope you are feeling better and able to take you break lol. xx

22-06-09, 00:18
I know exactly what you mean... I'm actually ok with big holidays but most other things don't happen. I make all these grand plans and let people down. New Year 2008 I was due to be away and it had been planned for months and I got so sick (not with the sickness bug that everyone else had but with a really random virus!)

I have missed out on all sorts because of viruses, migraines and even being clumsy and injuring myself. I can't believe how unlucky I seem to be! I moved up here in January but it was almost May by the time any of my friends came to stay because I had to keep asking them to reschedule their visit as I was ill or injured.

Sometimes I think that maybe if I just plan one thing every month then I will actually see it through and not be ill!

22-06-09, 12:44
Hey, thanks for all the replies.

Its not so much wanting to go, Becuase I really really do want to, I think its me working myself up over 'what if Im ill and cant go and have to waste all the money Ive paid for hotel and train tickets etc' which makes me ill :weep:

I went into town this morning as a kind of test to see how well I was and I thought I was going to collapse and be sick, A kind of mix between panic and originally feeling ill.

By the looks of it I wont be going away tomorrow, If I cant handle a short trip to my local town to pick up a CD how the hell would I manage a 4 hour train journey to London.

I just feel awful, Even if I started on the lemsip now I doubt Ill be better by tomorrow.

Another £100+ down the drain and wasted :mad::mad: