View Full Version : Tried having a drink last night

21-06-09, 15:05
I know it makes me panic.
I know I have a day of hell the next day.
I even know it costs more than I can afford.

But I know I will do it again :doh:

I used to drink about 20 units a night without fail back in my underage drinking rebel days, now I will be lucky if I manage 2 a week.

Its my 21st birthday soon, my mum is putting a nice bbq on and of course I wouldnt mind washing it down with a few nice cold ones, Im human after all :) So I thought I would test the water (or alcohol lol) last night and see how I reacted. Im sharing this because Im sure someone else will react the same way and it might help, or it might me rambling junk lol. Anyway I had about 10 units (4 cans of cheapo beer) so its not a small amount but not a binge either.

Drinking the booze I am fine, do notice a slight increase in heart rate, but dont check it that much, usually too sozzled to care about panic lol. In the morning I will wake up with a racing heart, I clocked it this morning doing 144 as I woke up. I thought this was strange because I need to think about my heart to make it race usually, and I was asleep but hey ho. I got up and was sick with panic (or kebab) and told my self off for being silly and worrying about my heart.

I got back into bed and managed after a long time of my 'techniques' to get it down to 110bpm, but I couldnt get it lower than that no matter what I tried. Im no expert and perhaps somebody can answer this but is it a mix of alcohol and panic that was keeping it from going below 110?

I managed to get a few hours sleep and got up and finished the kebab (not the bit that ended up in the toilet of course) and had another attack, personally I think I ate too much but it made my heart slow, hard and irregular for a good hour.

Thats my hanxover mapped out anyway, I hope it helps some people who might go through the same thing. I did end up asking a few questions in there and will re ask them at the bottom to help people help me too :)

I woke up with my bpm at 144 and couldnt drop it below 110, is this just 100% anxiety or does the alcohol do it to me too.

I had a slow hard irregular heart beat, is that a worry, is it caused by booze or my morning kebab?

And also are hangovers deadly? sometimes it feels like it :roflmao:

21-06-09, 15:44
Quick question.. how do you know what your beats per minute are?? If you are actually monitering and testing then I think this is very unhealthy behaviour. A lot of panic and anxiety stems from constant over analysis of yourself. Measuring your heart beat to see if you can get it to drop is like me asking you to not think of a goat. What did you think of? A goat! The anxiety in your sleep is just a contuation of that pattern of panic and anxiety that your body is in.. once you stop overanalysing you wont get sleep anxiety either.

21-06-09, 15:50
Quick question.. how do you know what your beats per minute are?? If you are actually monitering and testing then I think this is very unhealthy behaviour. A lot of panic and anxiety stems from constant over analysis of yourself. Measuring your heart beat to see if you can get it to drop is like me asking you to not think of a goat. What did you think of? A goat! The anxiety in your sleep is just a contuation of that pattern of panic and anxiety that your body is in.. once you stop overanalysing you wont get sleep anxiety either.

Thank you for your reply :)

Checking the pulse is one of my worst habbits and one I am currently trying to shake, some days with more sucess than others :doh:

21-06-09, 16:10
I think you should make it your new resolution not to measure your own heart rate unless you're in the gym or at the doctor's! Perhaps this could be a wake up call for other unconstructive behaviour you might have in which you constantly make your own body the subject of overanalysis...

21-06-09, 18:08
I have been making a big effort to not check it recently, but then got a blocked ear with a cold and now my pulse is right up there for me to listen to if I like it or not :roflmao:

I still feel a bit off from the booze and an early night wont hurt me :)