View Full Version : results of my colonoscopy someone please help!

21-06-09, 15:57
my colonoscopy showed i probably have crohns disease but having now read about it i found that after many years of the condition my risk of colon cancer is greatly increased. how do i stop worrying about something so real?!

thanks in advance

21-06-09, 16:01
You make sure you take good care of yourself now, and ensure you stick to treatment guidelines. Also have regular health check-ups, and speak with your GP/consultant about all this. They will have the facts, and be able to help reassure you. It's good to be realistic about the risks. But the bottom line is that everyone has the potential for a health risk with something or other. If we worried about all the risks all of the time we would never be able to make the most of our lives and experience any fulfillment.

And it's also good to bear in mind that people can and do recover from colon cancer. Really. So even *if* - it's not all doom and gloom. My flatmate's dad had colon cancer several years ago, and he is totally fine now.

miss diagnosis
21-06-09, 16:59

my sister in law has chrones disease. she just has to tak some medication and be carful with her diet as caffiene and dairy flare it up.

Its a perfectly managble disease. her grandfather had it and lived until his 80's with no hint of colon cancer.

just make sure you take proper care of urself now x

21-06-09, 17:29
I have Crohn's disease and I asked the consultant about the risk of cancer and he said that he would not lie to me and say that I will be fine as there is an increased risk but he said that it was only a small increased risk and as long as I was careful with the diet and kept on the medication I would be fine.

They will also do regular check-ups and colonoscopies so they can detect any changes early on.

21-06-09, 23:54
Hi Randomworry! A friend of mine has had this for years and she swears by Manuka Honey - one teaspoon a day. It's expensive but worth it apparently as it really settles her tum and was recommended by her doc.


22-06-09, 10:55

thanks so much for all your replies guys - is really appreciated