View Full Version : im still here

06-09-05, 16:15
hi everyone
sorry not been around for a short while [well about a week] but last week we finally sold our house after 7 months on the market, happy but really stressed at the same time, had some symptoms of anxiety but trying to manage them. went to asda last week and had a massive panic attack in the queue but didnt run away but was relieved when i came out!! will try and come into the chat room later:D miss you all and hope everyones ok
love michelle xxx

06-09-05, 16:42
Good to hear from you again Michelle

Well done on all your progress. You did really well in Asda !

Congrats on the house


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

06-09-05, 17:42
Nice to have you back Michelle!!

Well done on your progress!! :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

06-09-05, 18:55
Hi Michelleann,

Big well done in Asda.

Congratulations on selling the house too.

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

06-09-05, 19:47
Hi Michellann well done sounds like you are coping real well, Love Alexis,xx

07-09-05, 12:29
Hi again Michelleann,

Fantastic work in ASDA keep up the good work!
The running away is the worst thing you could ever do and you stood your ground (not easy ) just keep the breathing going thats the most important thing to remember.
As for the house moving CHOOSE excitement not anxiety for the feelings you describe (they create the same symptoms).

I took a taxi again today to the dentist then on to my mothers house, i tell myself just remember to breath and i will be in control, I have had 3 panics in 2 weeks now and each one i have remembered my breathing to get rid of them........3 years it has taken me to learn this technique and i really feel my hypnosis tape has helped me along.
I am not cured but I am fighting a good fight;) you can too :D


07-09-05, 14:19
Hi Michelle,
Well done on the sale of your house, and for doing so well in ASDA, i used to get like that sometimes in ASDA, now it is just when they tell me how much my bill comes to lol.
See you in chat soon,
Take care
Trac xx

its "just a thought"

07-09-05, 15:12
Well done.

Congratualtions on riding it out!


07-09-05, 18:08
Well done for coping so well in Asda Michelle.

Good news about the house. I have my house on the market at the moment and it is hard to relax not knowing what is happening and when or if it might sell. Hopefully now you have sold things will settle down for you.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

07-09-05, 18:25
Give yourself a huge Pat on the back..... Moving House is right up there with 'The most stressful things in life' and then you 'worked through' a panic attack. :D Fantastic.
Hope you are very happy in your new home. A new chapter in your life begins......
Love Dawn x

12-09-05, 19:38
thanx guys xxxxxxxxxxxxx