View Full Version : Muscle Tension and Dizziness..Need Reassurance

21-06-09, 21:52
Ok. I'm not in a panic about this, but I want to get ahead of it by posting here. I have left shoulder problems..not sure what is wrong, but definately muscular. Well, it's been flared up this week due to the damp, humid weather here and strain at work. Last nite I had some indigestion so I propped some pillows up and fell asleep. Well, I awoke and my neck is stiff and I have some tightness above my eyes. Can a stiff neck cause vague dizziness? Like it's not constant...just when I bend over or move quickly. I have had this in the past and usually with a good nite's sleep it goes away, but am feelin kinda edgy bout it. Thanks in advance for your replies. I love ya guys! :hugs:

21-06-09, 22:54
I have posted this many time but hope it helps you. I have very damaged neck with herniated disc and arthritis and the first symptom I got was contant feeling of slight dizziness like walking on soft ground and sudden proper dizziness if I moved my head certain ways. I had endless tests and my GP kept saying its your neck and eventually many years later a mri scan confirmed this. I see a neurosurgeon who said all his neck patients have balance problems and he explained why.
Your neck muscles and bones contain balance receptors that send messages to your inner ear - if for any reason from straight tension caused by anxiety to the sort of damage I have causes the muscles to tighten or your neck bones to be under strain then these messages to your inner ear can be wrong hence the balance problems. I also had occasional attack of severe vertigo and ended up very nervous of going out in case it happened.
So your shoulder trouble will be causing muscle tension in your neck and this could be causing you ears to get wrong messages.
My poor husband and a neighbour both now have wear and tear in their necks and are experiencing what I did 15 years ago and both agree its frighening and horrible and neither of them know what it means to worry about your health.

22-06-09, 01:15
Thanks. That has helped a bit, but my mind is still wandering. I'm always in constant feel that I will "stay like this" forever. :weep:

22-06-09, 08:40
I know how you feel and I did stay like that for years!! but I survived and went through good and bad spells and suddenly noticed that for past 2 years I had very good times and only suffered when I do too much physically that puts strain on my neck.

When I get the sudden severe vertigo that literally puts me on the flood for a few minutes that really frightens me that it will not go away and I am terribly nervous for a few weeks especially if I have it two or three times a week for acouple of weeks. Then all of a sudden I realise I haven't had it for months.

The difference between myself and my husband is I worry that it will not go away etc etc whereas he just says xxxx neck and gets on with life.

22-06-09, 13:50
i have neck tension too.I was diagnosed with eustachian tube disfunction a while ago