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View Full Version : acid reflux, nausea, liver cancer?

22-06-09, 13:01
Hi there. Anyone have any experience with acid reflux?? The last 3 weeks I have had increasing nausea, I know I am worried about it and this may make it worse. It started suddenly, just very short lived bouts and now its practicaly all day. Accompanied by acidy tummy, acid reflux etc. Have tried stemetil and metochlopromide but they don't seem to stop the nausea really. Aso tried zantac and rennies for the acid, which work a little but not altogether. I have a phobia of vomiting which is making it worse and I am afraid to go to the doctor as I can;t have an endoscopy due to my phobia. I am desperately trying not to google but am afraid I could have liver cancer, I remember a story someone told me about their mum having this and started with sickness for no reason.

Anyone have any advice, trying not to let this ruin my life, but losing the battle!

06-07-09, 11:42
You definatly do not have liver cancer Your body is very sensitive to what is going on inside it.
If you had liver cancer you would most likely know about it by now. The symptoms of liver cancer are loss of appetite, weight loss, nausea, and lethargy (Weakness and tiredness) These are too the EXTREME.

If it makes you feel better I am also going through the same thing.. I have acid reflux, I have had it for years and at the minute it is getting really bad.

Lump in the throat feeling, acidic feeling in my stomach, nausea for about 3 days now.

This problem could possibly be due to hormones or even anxiety and panic.

If you are prone to panic attacks you can also get nausea, lump in the throat, indigestion, heartburn, constipation, diarrhoea, and hormones problems. For a start.

Don't worry. Everything passes. I know this seems hard but the best thing to do is when your nausea is at it's low point of the day, go out and do something, completely forget about it and see how you feel.

This way you can pin point whether it is more anxiety or actual acid refux.

<3 Good luck. Tell me if you have anymore problems.

06-07-09, 12:39
hi jessieblue
I get that awful nausea and acid reflux realy badly. It makes you feel rough but i have had all the test ( camera down throat ) and they said i was just producing too much acid dut to me being a stress head and the more stressed i got about it the worst it got. My husband who is not a panicer like me was so ill with it a year ago that i thought it was a heart attack and sent for an ambulance but they said again it was just acid although it can be extremley painful. It took about 6 weeks with all the pills to calm his stomach down and now if he eats chocolate he rolls the floor. You might notice something you eat or drink makes it worse. Try cutting down on fatty foods that can help.
try not to worry as that will make the acid worse and if it dosnt get better they can just change your pills i had to have different ones as the first ones didnt work very well and made me feel really sick

07-07-09, 14:02
Thank you both for your replies. I have had acid reflux lots of times before, but never used to worry about it. At the moment its just really fresking me out, I think because I am so sensitised after many symptoms from this damn anxiety! Do you really think my anxiety and worrying about it is actually making it worse?? Its such a vicious cycle isnt it? I am taking OTC zantac and sucking some rennies which help a bit but don't get rid of it altogether. What meds are you taking? What have you found that helped? I don't eat any fatty foods anymore, live on cereal at the moment. Choc can make it worse, so don't often eat that. I just need to believe I can get on top ofthis and not feel this bad forever!

07-07-09, 14:46
hi jessieblue

mine is playing havoc with me at moment but its because im really anxious about work probs. At the moment im just drinking gaviscon advance and sucking renee but i find the renee makes my stomach bloat. I found losec was the best thing the g.p gave me but thats expensive and they gave me omperozole or somrting like but that wasnt really that good to be honest. I find when the anxiety levels drop the acid seems to drop. A ward of warning dont take too many renee as i have found the acid reflux gets that bad out night it actually runs down my nose if i have taken too many.


agent orange
07-07-09, 16:31
i.b.s can also be a symptom of nausea and heartburn etc, especially as this is all linked to the stomach and the bowel.

miss c brightside
07-07-09, 17:49
hi, my doc says i have acid reflux,and ibs, which i think are from anxietey, i take these 20mgs 1 every morn and 1 ever eve for past 2 years,they really help me,and i cant come off em!! but i have to watch what i eat also. i dont be sick im glad to say,but feel it most of the time from nerves, alchahol makes things worse for sure. i avoid alot of foods also,mainly those of insoluble fiber or high fat, i only eat chicken and fish, and quorn. everyone is different, but what im trying to say is, m y insides are a wreck from my anxiety, i have more problems the other end,and had the colonoscopy (camera in the bottom!!) and all looked healthy!! its so hard to be reaistic and stop your thoughts getting out of control when your anxious!! i have panicked over so maby things, but have learned the hard way that nerves cause havock with my stomach,and im now nervous because of my stomach!! vicious circle im trying to break!! i hope things ease up for you, carli xx

12-07-09, 12:48
Thank you all for your replies. I saw my doc, sho suggested seeing a gastoenterologist!! This really scared me and I told him so. I am terrifies of having an endoscopy as I have a fear of vomiting, so the thought of the gag reflex is simply unbearable, already making my anxiety worse!! He has given me omeprazole, which I havn't started yet. Do you think these will make me feel sick? I am so worried about new meds. I have been taking zantac, but doc says thats not very strong! Does anyone take omeprazole? I just wanted some reassurance from my doctor really, that it was due to anxiety, which I hope is the case. I have had so many different symptoms lately and tests and all have been normal, now my stomach has got in on the act!! But I am so afraid of the endoscopy. Have you all had one?? Thanks for you time in responding. X

12-07-09, 15:28
omeprazole is marvellous stuff - will sort the acid reflux out in less than 2 days!

The only side effect I got was feeling a bit dizzy for the first day.

21-07-09, 13:11
I have been suffering from an acid tummy which i was trying to treat by diet and peppermint tea, it got so bad that my throat was burnt by the acid so i went docs, she gave me lansoprozol that seemed to help for a start but i am now getting bloating and having to go loo quick, as well as the heartburn coming back, doc has now given me colofac as she thinks it might be IBS. It all seems to be a viscious circle of stress and anxiety causing symptoms then symptoms causing anxiety, i am trying to carry on regardless but some days are harder than others. Have been taking Lanes Quiet Life tablets they seem to help but doc has now said might have adverse effects on other meds so am now confused and dont know what to take, any help please x x:doh:

21-07-09, 13:33
Hello Jessieblue,

I remember reading somewhere that medications for reflux are among the most commonly prescribed medications in Australia (where I live). This means that there's a lot of people with the symptoms you describe and not all of them can possibly have liver cancer! This doesn't help with your problems having the endoscopy, but might be of some reassurance. (I am also panicking that I have liver cancer at the moment but for entirely different reasons!)