View Full Version : Can no exercise kill you?

22-06-09, 14:52
I get no exercise whatsoever :blush:

I used ot be really active, Riding my bike everyday but now I drive most places and rarely walk.

I sit in the PC chair from Morning till night only moving to go to the toilet or get food.

I do eat healthy though, 5 fruit a day, I only drink water and dont eat sweets.

Im not over weight.

How bad would you say not exercising for me is? Can I die from not doing it?
I know its not healthy but I just cannot seem to exercise at all without feeling sick.


22-06-09, 16:55
Hey there. I think you sound more healthy than alot of the population! I think if no exercise could kill you as easy as you seem to think sweets,we'd all be dead. Alot of people are in sitting based jos etc. I mean look at taxi drivers and train drivers,planes,office jobs etc. I think you sound healthy enough,naturally exercise is really beneficial for over all health etc and is good for the mind cause it releases all the happy chemicals etc but I think you're alright :) If you feel sick when you try exercise you must be over exerting yourself,you should be uncomfortable to some extent obviously as you are "working" out but not til you feel sick xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

miss diagnosis
23-06-09, 17:34
never heard of anyone dying from no excercise!! so many people dont excercise at all.
if you dont have time/energy to excercise get ur self a yoga DVD you can do at home. i try and do 20 mins a day. its good for calming you down and relaxing too.
i recommend barbara curries power packed yoga. it makes you taller too!!

24-06-09, 15:25
Thanks Wee-Mee for the advice and kind words.

And thank you miss diagnosis, That's what I was thinking, I was watching some program on the worlds heaviest people and as bad as it sound it made me feel more at ease because they are seriously overweight and they arent dieing just yet

Will definitely be trying a yoga DVD or fitness one soon though, Thanks
