View Full Version : Pain!

06-09-05, 19:07
Hi Everyone :(

I have been suffering from chest pains for the last 4-5 days and they wont go away [?]

I am starting to worry it could be something serious although i could be wrong! It makes my breathing weird too like it makes me wanna take deeep breaths now and again :(

I know i keep worrying about blood clots in the lungs but i would have thought it would have got very much worse or something bad would have happened by now as its been 4 or 5 days so far and i know they can kill in around 2 days so dont think it could be that.

I've tried having a bath etc tot ry and relax anyone got any good tips on how to get rid of this.


Andrew :D

06-09-05, 19:24

Im new to this forum but just wanted to tell you i too suffered from really bad chest pain for almost 2 weeks!My breathing felt shallow and it hurt to breathe in.Turned out to be muscular and panicing about it made it loads worse.
I asked my Dr about blood clots and he said if you had one you would certainly know all about it!!I dont think you have one
Do you have a cough or anything,maybe you have a chest infection which could be easily treated.
Take care

Oh and also,i do still suffer from chest pain,but am aware of my anxiety too

06-09-05, 20:25
Hi Andrew -
I know that it can be scary. Been through it a time or two (or a thousand myself).
When I first came to this site I read everything there was about all the symptoms I was having. Here is what I found to help with my breathing while surfing this site.

Breathing - Learn to breathe from your diaphragm, your tummy should rise and fall with your breath as well as your chest. Ensure your out breath is longer than the in one. A count of 4 in – 6 out is great. Use this as soon as you feel panic rising. Alternatively, if you find this difficult hold your breath for a few seconds. This resolves the dizzy feeling.

I know that you say you feel like you need to take a deep breath and this should help.

The only thing I can say is if you have seen your doc and he/she has said you are ok then it is the anxiety.

Hope you find it helpful :)


06-09-05, 21:37
hi Andrew,

Chest pain is the most normal symptom of anxiety. Try to distract yourself. It's still there because you are thinking about it, whether you realise it or not. Throw yourself into something you really enjoy..

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

06-09-05, 22:01
hi. yes they are all right I get lots of breathlesnes and chest pains and yes they do worry you, but after all these years they have to be harmless.

07-09-05, 00:15
i have had those type of chest pains too. Just try and relax your breathing i think it will certainly help you. the more you think about these chest pains the worser it can feel. i think its just your anxiety andrew, i really dont think its a blood clot try to get that out of your mind because again the more you think it might be one the more you will start to believe it is one- anxiety all over! take care andrew.

07-09-05, 05:26
Dull ache (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3044)
chest pains (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3487)
Are these heart symptoms? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4805)
Chest Pains (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4462)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?