View Full Version : Pulled a muscle in my back...or have I?

22-06-09, 21:28
On Sunday I lifted my baby son and felt a sharp twinge in my back just below my shoulder blade. The problem is it seems to be making my whole rib cage ache. I feel with my highly sensitized state any pain becomes a big pain. I have tried Ibuprofen and it doesn't seem to help.

Sometimes I feel I can rationalise the pain then I just wonder if it is something else. I start feeling where the pain is and I can feel it in my ribs just above my stomach and it seems to ache all over. I sometimes wonder if this is what a heart attack could feel like and then I get a hit of fear. I wish I could find some way of getting rid of the pain so the worry will go too.

Does anyone else panic about pains they know how were caused but still play with the idea it could be something worse?


23-06-09, 06:43
OK, woke this morning unable to get comfortable. I was tossing and turning on to either side last night in a last ditch effort to get comfortable. I woke this morning listening to the thump of my heart and then i heard the lack of rhythm. I then thought if my heart was beating like that I would have other symptoms but I didn't. I felt my pulse and that seemed to be out of sync too.

Now I am scared that it is my heart after all.

