View Full Version : If I know it's anxiety why wont it go away?

22-06-09, 21:31
I am at the end of my tether! My HA is driving me NUTS. As soon as I conquer the symptoms of one problem they morph into something else. The thing is I KNOW there is nothing wrong with me physically. I know that the eye problems the dizzyiness the ringing ears the beating heart etc etc is all just my anxiety so why cant I stop it.

I dont think I have a fatal illness or am about to die yet STILL I obsess constantly about these things why? If I know it's just anxiety why cant I just stop it. At the moment the only consulation I have is telling myself that no worries about the present 'symptom' cos I know it will get better when the next one comes along- trouble is that one will be as bad (or worse).

I have had it with this constant battle, aaaaghhhh!:weep::weep:

22-06-09, 21:56
I understand your frustration. You've filed your symptoms under 'anxiety' and recognised the constantly changing symptoms as morphing anxiety and this should register as a 'false message' as there IS no real danger but relabelling your feelings is the first step in an ongoing process.

The fact your symptoms keep changing shows how resistant they can be and you can't really outsmart or second guess yourself, recognising them as anxiety won't make that feeling go away, at least not straight away because you're only acknowledging it. It's like seeing a mistake and putting a circle around it, it highlights all the flaws and you think 'Okay, this is just anxiety, I'm not physically ill'.

But where else does the anxiety have to go? How else can your subconscious tell you it's fundamentally scared? What other barometer of deep down fear is there other than your body? Your mind has learned to project it's insecurities onto your body and consequently your health. This is how stress works, like my swallowing, it's not about swallowing really it's like someTHING scratching at the door of my subconscious trying to get out but out of fear that door stays locked.

I think you have to substitute the anxiety for some other feeling because you've learned the anxiety is false so learn other emotions to replace it.

22-06-09, 22:00
It always does seem to be a constant battle doesn't it?

What you have to try to do is not fight it. Learn to live with the problem, and let the worst happen. Once you have suffered the worst possible scenario, and get through it, you'll realise that everything is always going to turn out ok in the end.

Take up a hobby, take your mind off it. And most importantly, do not fight the pain.

23-06-09, 09:05
Of course your right! Ive read the books I know the answers but just sometimes I get fed up with the battle! I am not on medication and nobody but my husband knows the HA I have, and even he thinks it goes away for months because I dont like to keep on about it.

Sometimes it seems such a lonely battle, I dont want to go to my GP because for me that would be like giving in to it, but I am getting close

23-06-09, 16:05
Your symptoms did not get here over night...it took years of not handling your stress to get here...so how can you expect it to go away over night? It is just like a person who is over weight...they did not get that way from 1 bad meal....it took time and it won't just go away from 1 week of dieting and exercising...it takes time. The important thing is that you do recognize it is anxiety and you don't let it spiral. You think to yourself as soon as the feelings come...ok this is anxiety I need to relax! You take deep breaths and try to think of something else. Over time, you will get better. Good luck!

23-06-09, 17:18
Your symptoms did not get here over night...it took years of not handling your stress to get here...so how can you expect it to go away over night? It is just like a person who is over weight...they did not get that way from 1 bad meal....it took time and it won't just go away from 1 week of dieting and exercising...it takes time. The important thing is that you do recognize it is anxiety and you don't let it spiral. You think to yourself as soon as the feelings come...ok this is anxiety I need to relax! You take deep breaths and try to think of something else. Over time, you will get better. Good luck!

I like this post a lot. Makes a lot of sense.

As the OP says, I think I am suffering from something similar. ALTHOUGH I haven't been checked by a doc yet. I think I have hypothyroid. So I guess my tingling is occuring because of my assumption it WILL be hypothyroid.

What's worse is I don't know whether I want my symptoms to be because of stress or hypothyroid :doh:

30-06-09, 00:15
Of course your right! Ive read the books I know the answers but just sometimes I get fed up with the battle! I am not on medication and nobody but my husband knows the HA I have, and even he thinks it goes away for months because I dont like to keep on about it.

Sometimes it seems such a lonely battle, I dont want to go to my GP because for me that would be like giving in to it, but I am getting close

I don't think going to the GP would be giving into it, it might really help as I'm sure he or she would be able to reassure you there is nothing wrong. We go to a GP to help us manage symptoms of a cold - there is nothing wrong with accessing your GP to help you to manage your symptoms of HA. You wouldn't have to take medication if you didn't want to. A really understanding GP can be such a great guide on your journey out of anxiety.

30-06-09, 00:28
reminds me of my last visit to the GP:

"you think its stress huh? well if its stress, why don't I have it? I'd have it every day in my job!"

It's on my agenda to try to find another GP :unsure:

And yes, for the record I get frustrated that anxiety is like some stealth enemy that keeps morphing into a new and apparently potentially terminal disease. I'm sick of it too. I'll be taking on board some of the comments on this post, they are much appreciated...

30-06-09, 01:41
I have just copy and pasted this from a reply I posted in another thread...it may help with understanding how physical anxiety can still exist even though we may no longer feel mentally anxious:

Whilst we all have a traditional view that anxiety is a mental condition but when mental anxiety becomes chronic it will all too often become physical. I prescribe to the rain barrel view of anxiety. What basically happens is that over a period of years we employ bad anxiety management and out anxiety threshold is slowly increasing...in other words the rain barrel is filling up! Now, because this happens so gradually we are actually unaware that our anxiety threshold is increasing...if we where able to tranfer our anxiety level onto somebody with a normal level thoughit will feel incredibly intense to them.

So, we keep filling the rain barrel up and all the while our body adjusts and we just fail to realise we are on a collision course. Now, what generally happens is that we then experience a stressor (can be good or bad) and our anxiety threshold responds by increasing but today is the day that the barrel is full!! Basically, this is the point that our emotional anxiety HAS to become physical..the water is pouring over the top and it is the same with our anxiety...we think that this is all 'out of the blue' but the reallity is that years and years of poor stress and anxiety management have finally told.

At this point it is incredibly common for physical anxiety to manifest itself as neurological sensations. This is because we have, in effect, fatigued our central, periphiral and sympathic nervous systems and this causes a whole host of wierd and wonderful neuro sensations. The problem now is that instead of thinking that we need to allow our bodies and minds time to recover we fall into the trap of literally pouring petrol on the anxiety fire and we analyse these symptoms and convince ourselves we have MS, ALS or whatever is your disease of choice...you are now in the health anxiety loop.

One of the things you here time and time again is 'how can this be anxiety if I'm no longer anxious'? The thing is that even though we may have turned the tap off the barell is still full. Another useful anology is to think of an overweight person...years and years of a poor diet will have made them overweight, if they decide to go on a diet after a week of eating the healthiest and best food ever they are still going to be overweight...it is the same with anxiety, we fall into the trap of thinking that it is all about what we are thinking at the moment...this is our biggest mistake, once anxiety has become physical this indicates it is a chronic condition and therefore it can take us just as long to correct the problem as it took to get into the state we are at. The sooner we stop dumping anxiety on top of anxiety is the point that recovery will slowly start but because we fail to see immediate results we doubt everything and once again employ all those old stalwarts such as over catastrophising, black or white thinking etc etc that are going to keep us locked in the loop.


11-07-09, 02:16

It won't ever go away....I have had it since I was a child and it has come and gone all my life. Its not really the anxiety yet the control of it that has you in its grip.

A year or two ago I found my control and posted the results here to help others. Its a matter of understanding what we fear and controlling it.

Don't get me wrong. The feelings or symptoms never go away but you learn to deal with them and realize what they are and that they cannot hurt you
and will pass. I am going to copy and paste what I said about getting over anxiety and what I came to realize which helped me. I hope it does you too. Michael

Hope this acceptable that I do this...here is my quote

Finally No more whiney ,sad behavior ,symptom free and happy !
Just thought I would say hello after many months of absence. Im not even sure the last time I was here.

I used to contribute more sadness, anxious moments, heart mumurs, heart skipping beats weird feelings and pains than most on this board.


I got up one morning and said that I would rather die enjoying being out and taking chances than sitting in a dark corner the rest of my life shaking and baking in my anxiety.

Yes I still have blurred vision, I still have skipping heart , I still have strange sensations , I still have thoughts about heart attack, stroke ,brain tumor
and everything everyone has ever mentioned on this board.

Just wanted to say ..you can too.. I got up one day and decided to live. I have in my mind I would rather be out doing something fun and keel over than to be sitting scared to death the rest of my life. What is life if we are miserable?

Many people everyday have many pains, they also struggle to get out of bed and hurt all day long but they just keep on going. I can't begin to tell you how much more in control of my life I feel . I started by pushing myself and pushing myself to do more and more and more.

I made myself be physical to the point of passing out. I started eating again. I gained weight thus causing me to gain muscle mass, thus giving me strength to go on. I still get tired but its a great tired..

I put aside my fears and told myself ..."what is the worse that could come from this?" Death? We all are going to die.. its not a matter of "if" but when..

Wouldn't you rather just let go of your fears and anxieties and just say if im going to die im going to do it going places I want to go and doing things I rather do ..

Who wants to sit and shutter everyday in their little corner and sit in their homes watching the world go by ? I don't and months now later I got out away from the pity party and said "Damn the torpedoes ,full speed ahead"

I can't believe the difference. I actually go everywhere and do everything that I used to do. I have strength to go on and work hard ,play hard and when I hurt I just blow it off to muscle aches or getting older.

When I can't breathe I rest awhile and get up and get going again. When I peek out of the covers in the morning instead of dreading the day I grasp the moment rip the curtains back and strecth and say "what am I going to do today or accomplish"

I just want each and everyone of you to know that you can too. Let go of fear.. where is it going to take you . You are going to die anyway so what. we all die..

Look at all that have come and gone before us. You think they didn't dread death? Why was religion invented? Its because man didn't want to grasp the thought of nothing after. So what.. We were part of this universe and planet some 4 billion years before the present and when we die we will join that part of the planet and universe thats been here long before us and will be here long after we are gone.

The key face it ! Don't look back.. Enjoy every moment.. Man is not destined to be here very long. The earth is constantly changing and will soon rotate the dominant species again . The earth gave man its time, now its making way for another dominant species. and there is nothing you nor I can do about it.

So live live live. Think of all of those with tremendous illness that bravely face each and everyday with a death wish.. Its not easy to die.. Its harder to live but Im pulling for each and everyone of you . We are all control freaks. That is what scares us .The unknown and the feeling of destiny. Knowing you will DIE.. and there is nothing you can do to stop it.

Count every precious moment good or bad ,breathe every breath you can take ,clean or otherwise. Rush rush rush into the dark night and scream and let it be known you were here! Don't sit in panic and anxiety turning in on yourself. Focus on others less fortunate than yourselves. Get some animals
that someone else threw away.

Give them love and they will love you back. They will protect you and keep you and make you feel there is something or someone more important than you and they depend on you. Get out in the sunshine. Take the allergies, the dizziness, and the weird spots in front of your eyes..We all get every bit of what you have and more..

Hold on to yourself and take the ride of a lifetime..Its called your life! None of us will survive. I assure you ,and if you could you would be too old to do anything other than just be in massive pain everyday and illness and whatever longevity could bring you ..

When you die ,its natures way of making room for new life. Nothing more. Nothing personal. Although im skeptical. Im sure there is some other form after this one..If not we will turn into what we are inside..Pure energy. Energy cannot die it only changes form..

Our very souls is energy .Its what makes us different and human ,it gives you thoughts ,emotions, actions. After all the soul is nothing more than energy and it will pass to somewhere else..Not just sure where but im sure that we will go beyond our bonds here on earth and join the universe to bigger and better things.

When you are scared you are dying ,scream and say GO FOR IT. Im not afraid ..How bad could it be. Your worries are no more. Live each day so that if you do out last most of us , you will have no regrets. You can look back and say "hey I did it my way " Most of all I just wanted to say I shook it all. I am not anxious, depressed, stressed, sad, lonely, or none of the below or above. I beat it and you can to. Just get up ,push harder, play harder and quit trying to fight the absolute ..You will die one day ..Maybe not this moment , not this week, month or year , or even many years from now. But you can rest assured you will.

Until that moment comes let it all go and enjoy your life. I refuse to take any of the things that are discussed here on this board .I stopped letting any of it bother me and my life has been so much better for it.

I wake everyday and grasp life by the horns and don't look back. And "hey im still alive and kicking" Just thought I would mention it. Good luck to all of you and God bless.. Do yourself a favor and stop looking inward . Take time to smell the roses and look beyond yourself..You will find a beautiful world out there and yes there are many flaws but they aren't fatal.

Take care. Michael

11-07-09, 03:13
I have just copy and pasted this from a reply I posted in another thread...it may help with understanding how physical anxiety can still exist even though we may no longer feel mentally anxious:

Whilst we all have a traditional view that anxiety is a mental condition but when mental anxiety becomes chronic it will all too often become physical. I prescribe to the rain barrel view of anxiety. What basically happens is that over a period of years we employ bad anxiety management and out anxiety threshold is slowly increasing...in other words the rain barrel is filling up! Now, because this happens so gradually we are actually unaware that our anxiety threshold is increasing...if we where able to tranfer our anxiety level onto somebody with a normal level thoughit will feel incredibly intense to them.

So, we keep filling the rain barrel up and all the while our body adjusts and we just fail to realise we are on a collision course. Now, what generally happens is that we then experience a stressor (can be good or bad) and our anxiety threshold responds by increasing but today is the day that the barrel is full!! Basically, this is the point that our emotional anxiety HAS to become physical..the water is pouring over the top and it is the same with our anxiety...we think that this is all 'out of the blue' but the reallity is that years and years of poor stress and anxiety management have finally told.

At this point it is incredibly common for physical anxiety to manifest itself as neurological sensations. This is because we have, in effect, fatigued our central, periphiral and sympathic nervous systems and this causes a whole host of wierd and wonderful neuro sensations. The problem now is that instead of thinking that we need to allow our bodies and minds time to recover we fall into the trap of literally pouring petrol on the anxiety fire and we analyse these symptoms and convince ourselves we have MS, ALS or whatever is your disease of choice...you are now in the health anxiety loop.

One of the things you here time and time again is 'how can this be anxiety if I'm no longer anxious'? The thing is that even though we may have turned the tap off the barell is still full. Another useful anology is to think of an overweight person...years and years of a poor diet will have made them overweight, if they decide to go on a diet after a week of eating the healthiest and best food ever they are still going to be overweight...it is the same with anxiety, we fall into the trap of thinking that it is all about what we are thinking at the moment...this is our biggest mistake, once anxiety has become physical this indicates it is a chronic condition and therefore it can take us just as long to correct the problem as it took to get into the state we are at. The sooner we stop dumping anxiety on top of anxiety is the point that recovery will slowly start but because we fail to see immediate results we doubt everything and once again employ all those old stalwarts such as over catastrophising, black or white thinking etc etc that are going to keep us locked in the loop.


that my friend makes alot of sense to me and is very helpful