View Full Version : very very worried about swollen glands still

22-06-09, 23:32
Still really worried about this swollen gland going to tell you what its like in detail really really worried cant get it out my head....

i have been to the docters (2 different ones) and they both said not to worry its not that bad .....so i should be reasurred right ? its now been 4 weeks nearly !!!

well i dont feel it :( in the morning the gland ( one by the hinge of the jaw kinda like where i would say my tonsil is ) is swollen and rock hard size of i would gues a small kidney bean....

say 2 hours later its smaller and softer and movable .. and hten maybe 2 hours later than that it will be bogger and still movable etc...

the other symptoms i have are roaky voice ...needing to clear throat a lot and dry/sticky throat which when i swallow is kinda a creamy feeling (weird i no)

i got no sore throat and in certain positions kinda feels like htere is something on the tonsil when i swallow...
and when i have a drink its always as if there is something sticky going down with it ...got blocked ears as well ( stuffy feeling ) but no infection ...

got my anxiety well high and worry still it could be something sinnister ,,, and can not stop checking it out against the other side etc and i am wondering if htere is a cancerous side to it would i deffo have other symptoms etc ???

please pease help me rest this or tell me if i should get more help on the matter eddie xxx :weep:

23-06-09, 00:06
Do you have an allergy to anything? sounds like an allergy type thing. x

23-06-09, 00:25
not that i no of >< would i have definate other symptoms of non hodgkins etc if i had it ???.... and wuld hte gland justb e getting bigger and bigger ...

i want to forget about it but its really really bothering me ....and can a gland be up and down for ages for no reason ??
also i seem to have a fair amount of sticky post nasal drip .... eddie xx

23-06-09, 00:30
I hate to sound like I am repeating myself but I think you have an allergy like hay fever for instance. The symptoms you are describing sound exactly like what I have at the moment and its hayfever. Its so so bad this year for people. I am no doctor but I have read that with lymphoma yes the glands increase in size to quite big. Do you have a streaming nose? are you sniffing a lot? can you feel the mucus dripping into the back of your throat? Is your nose runny one min then stuffy the next and you have to clear it? If so and you have had it for more than 2 weeks its very possibly an allergy like hayfever. It doesn't alway affect the eyes so dont mistake that symptom if you dont have it. Does it feel like you have a cold that just doesnt go away?

23-06-09, 00:41
yes it kinda does i suppose i have really blocked ears as in i am in a noisy room and it drives me mad !!!

i have a very tacky throat dry tongue and its verys sticky when i swallow ...just had a cold like 2 weeks ago ...but the glands worse in the morning than at night etc etc ...its movable and sorta rubbery to feel and its like htere are 2 joined otgether feels like a peanut in its shell but squishy ..its exactly the same the other side but its not swollen if hta makes any sense .. also got a sore eustation tube feeling on hte side where the glands up xx

23-06-09, 00:50
Have you been prodding and poking them constantly to see if there is a change? I do it sometimes and it doesn't help. I have the blocked ear feeling too. Its horrible, it really is. So so many people are suffering this year I'm wondering whats going on to! Pop along and see your gp even if just to get some peace of mind.

23-06-09, 00:52
i did twice they said nothing unusuall no alarm bells ringing ...so i guess two diff docters cant be wrong ..right ? x

23-06-09, 00:55
Right! Believe them!! :)

23-06-09, 01:05
any 1 no what the symptoms of lymphoma are and how hard and big do the glands get if affected ?

23-06-09, 09:36
any 1 no ? and would you deffo have other symptoms ?

23-06-09, 15:47
I agree...it is allergy causing Post Nasal drip. The feeling in your throat is mucus trying to go down that is thicker than normal cause of allergy. That mucus sits on your throat and can cause you to have swollen glands and raspy voice and even a mild sore throat...especially in the morning cause we dont swallow in our sleep so it sits there all night. I can actually see it and feel it in my throat!
Drink extra water to help it side on down and consider a neti pot to clean out the mucus or an allergy med. Good luck and relax....I have this too and I have no cancer or anything.

24-06-09, 20:16
so if i was to say the gland is like the size of a large pea and goes up and down as my throat seems to clear then its just the gland being irritated ...

most importantly can you have lymphoma or nh or hd with no other symptoms but a swollen gland ???

and or would you have a host of other things ?

need to stop my self obsessing with this as its starting to take over my life now :(

24-06-09, 20:42
Im not a doctor, but I'm fairly sure if it were cancer it wouldn't get smaller over time. Doctors are very familiar with the diseases causing swollen glands. I'm sure if you went to TWO and they both said it's nothing, they're most likely correct. Ditto what everyone else said about post nasal drip... I get that all the time. Also, poking at your nodes enlarges them. I think it's very possible you have a minor sinus infection. That can EASILY irritate your glands and cause the symptoms you speak of. The good news is, most minor sinus infections (yes, bacterial) do NOT need antibiotics. In fact, there is much debate as to wether or not antibiotics are effective for sinus infections in the first place. If you're not running a fever or anything, I would say try some natural remedies. Here's what works for me:

Sinus irrigation: You can buy a product called "simply saline" at any drug or grocery store. It's a natural saline spray you can use to irrigate your sinus passages. I recommend using only a brand that is JUST saline.. no decongestants, preservatives, etc.... as these can be irritating.

Lots of fluids: Water, most imporantly. If you like hot tea, add some fresh lemon and honey to it and sip on that. Juices containing high ammounts of vitamin c can't hurt either.

Garlic (I really believe it works): There is a lot of evidence to support garlic as a natural antibiotic/antibacterial. It's best in it's raw form, but you can find recipes for heating it in milk as well. Raw garlic is nasty to eat (to me anyway). So, what I do is chop it up very fine and put it in a cup. Then I let it sit for 10 minutes (this allows the esential oils to be released from the garlic). Then I either take the garlic (not the oil) out or leave it in...depending on how brave I feel.. and I fill the cup with tomato juice or v8 and drink it. Do this with 1 or 2 cloves a day. More than 2 cloves over an extented period of time MAY irritate your stomach.

24-06-09, 20:51
do you have any spots in you hairline ? sounds silly but sometimes that alone can make your glands swell, I know this because I have had it.
as for lymphoma, I know someone that had it the the neck and the lump was much bigger the a pea shape
Hope that helps hun

25-06-09, 09:43
im trying not to sound harsh but your being ridiculous.

Have you checked out my other posts ? ive been worried about Lymphoma for over a year now i have palpable lymph nodes on either side of my neck around 1cm and 1 behind my ear and i also get hives now and again. I like you was very worried and was until a month ago, I now think that over a year I would be worse and have symptoms and things like night sweats, fevers, weight loss but i dont therefore im pretty sure im fine.

You need to relax they would be getting bigger and not regressing ive been on every site to do with lymphoma and put my self through hell and now ive decided life is 2 short to worry. try to forget about it itl only make you ill


25-06-09, 09:47
Check these out



25-06-09, 15:56
my sis has had swollen glands in her jaw for a yr and been to MRI's, ct scans, xrays, blood drawn and shes fineeeeeee. sometimes they swell and stay swelled I guess.

26-06-09, 11:35
what i dont get is why its 1 minuite hard as hell and say 30 mins later is smaller and i got a feeling of fullness or heat in my ear and where the gland is but no pain really and when i swallow it feels kinda like i have strained some thing going to docters again now prolly get told i am being sillly or something

26-06-09, 14:05
what i dont get is why its 1 minuite hard as hell and say 30 mins later is smaller and i got a feeling of fullness or heat in my ear and where the gland is but no pain really and when i swallow it feels kinda like i have strained some thing going to docters again now prolly get told i am being sillly or something

You know the problem here is not that your gland is changing over the course of the day but that you are noticing this. Your body changes so much over the course of the day and most things we dont notice until our HA turns us into inward looking body analysis nuts! hee hee albeit lovely ones tho!

I read about a man who analysed the stock market hourly and beleived that he could see trends over the course of the day that he could use to his advantage. However it is a well known fact that the stock market doesnt work that way and the trends only occur over much a longer period of time and so consequently the guy lost lots of money following trends that didnt exist and were just normal daily random fluctuations.

The same is true of your gland and any other body part that you care to stare at or touch every hour. Its ssssoooooooo true that when you think about a part of your body it start to become super sensitive and tingly and even sore depending on what your mind tells you is bad. I have been there sooooooo many times and only times itself and moving on to something else has made me see that the random feeling sof swelling , tightness tingling blah blah just werent real;ly there or even a tenth as bad as my focus made them
Leave your poor wee gland alone, its just being a gland
You are FINE promise!!:hugs:


26-06-09, 19:15
what i dont get is why its 1 minuite hard as hell and say 30 mins later is smaller and i got a feeling of fullness or heat in my ear and where the gland is but no pain really and when i swallow it feels kinda like i have strained some thing going to docters again now prolly get told i am being sillly or something

you've probably "strained something" by constantly swallowing and poking at your glands. the doctor is going to tell you you're fine and maybe prescribe you some antibiotics "in case" there's an infection somewhere.

26-06-09, 22:14
Superdd- sounds like u have post nasal drip from allergies. I have the same thing and it does cause my glands to swell and go down. Of course, touching and feeling them does not help either. Trust me when I say that what you are feeling are not really swollen glands. You have just noticed them there. When they are swollen, you will know it cause they are huge.
Drink lots of water and that will make the mucus you feel on your throat when swallowing go down. Also, a Neti pot helps too. Good luck.