View Full Version : What is this on my skin??

23-06-09, 00:53
I'm gonna try to attach a picture of a strange blemish that appeared originally about 14 months ago on my palm as a black dot and now it's gone slightly bigger but the original black dot can still be made out.
Has anyone else had anything like this, I'd go to the docs but I don't think she likes me anyway cos I'm refusing anti-depressants but then again maybe that's my paranoia ....... anway any ideas about my mole thing??

23-06-09, 02:39
Go and see another doc at the surgery.

23-06-09, 22:30

I agree with Mau, go and see another Dr, my husband had something similar on his foot which Gp was not at all worried about, but best to check these things out.
Let us know how you get on.

P x:flowers:

03-07-09, 21:35
Hi, thanks for your replies.
I finally went to the docs today and she's referring me to a dermatologist because since I posted the original picture it's changed and got slightly bigger and fortunately I had both pictures on my camera so I took it with me to show her how it's changing.
So I'm a bit more worried now and no wiser as to what it is :shrug:

03-07-09, 21:47
i know how worried you are , but it is better to go and get it checked, especially when it is small, remember your GP is not a specialist, and is sending you to someone who is, and who will either put your mind at rest or give you some treatment... but you have did the right thing... hopefully you wont have to wait too long for your appointment..

Best wishes

P x :flowers:

30-07-09, 01:42
Hi everyone,
Just an update on my skin moley thing, I have an apppointment for end of September which hubby isn't impressed about, apparently the doc is supposed to give an urgent referral if it scores above 3 points on a scale which gives 2 points for change in size, 2 points for change in colour and 2 points for irregular outline and seeing as mine has had all these in the last 2 months I score 6 and yet I haven't got an urgent referral.
Now for the weird thing, I don't care and am half hoping it is summat bad, isn't that awful that I don't care, probs cos I don't really want to be alive and also I'm so sick of looking after everyone else (elderly parents, 2 children and a sick husband) that I'm thinking it'll be nice to be the one getting looked after and sympathy for a while.
It seems looking on here that I'm in a minority not bothered that there's something wrong with me when everyone else does care and worry about themselves.
Makes me realise what a lost cause I am I spose, ah well I'll let you know what happens.

30-07-09, 13:38
Hi everyone,
Just an update on my skin moley thing, I have an apppointment for end of September which hubby isn't impressed about, apparently the doc is supposed to give an urgent referral if it scores above 3 points on a scale which gives 2 points for change in size, 2 points for change in colour and 2 points for irregular outline and seeing as mine has had all these in the last 2 months I score 6 and yet I haven't got an urgent referral.
Now for the weird thing, I don't care and am half hoping it is summat bad, isn't that awful that I don't care, probs cos I don't really want to be alive and also I'm so sick of looking after everyone else (elderly parents, 2 children and a sick husband) that I'm thinking it'll be nice to be the one getting looked after and sympathy for a while.
It seems looking on here that I'm in a minority not bothered that there's something wrong with me when everyone else does care and worry about themselves.
Makes me realise what a lost cause I am I spose, ah well I'll let you know what happens.

I think like you do a lot and would do more if i wasnt concerned about an ilness that is contagieous and would effect my family....but i know how you mean....

Was thinking though that i went through a worry once about my thyroid and founf this thing on the net about when a person should be given an urgent reffereal and when not and i WAS CONVINCED that I should have but when it was all resolved there was a glaringly obvious reason why i was totally wrong and i was too anxious to see that!!

Do you think that mole and stuff appear on your hand? Maybe it isnt classed the same as a mole, it is dirrent skin there i think as far as pores and type of skin oil glands - maybe not under the same referral guidance as moles

Just an idea


30-07-09, 15:16
dont think your not worth living, the fact you take care of every one makes you more pecial. chin up.