View Full Version : Taking the pill

23-06-09, 13:18
I need a kick up the bum. My gynae consultant and my GP both think I might have endometreosis but I don't fancy having a lap to confirm it. My GP thinks it more than gynae and he is eager for me to take the pill. At first he suggested cerazette but then gynae advised the combined pill.

2 weeks ago my GP prescribed me loestrin 20 and told me to start it when I thought my period had started. I'd had a polyp removed so was unsure whether the heavy bleed afterwards was my period brought on by the procedure or just because of it being removed. I waited until the Sunday and no further bleeding so af must of been brought on early.

Silly me read the leaflet and the bnfhttp://www.baby-greenhouse.co.uk/smilies/wink.gif about loestrin 20 and scared myself about the DVT and PE risk and now I can't bring myself to take it.

I have woken up this morning with the most horrendous ovulation pains, I have been close to tears it is that bad and I have to drive to uni in an hour, not sure I can sit down it hurts so muchhttp://www.baby-greenhouse.co.uk/smilies/sad.gif I have awful pains up my back passage and all on my right side low down it aches so muchhttp://www.baby-greenhouse.co.uk/smilies/sad.gif neurofen rarely touches it.

I am on day 15 of my cycle so not sure I can start taking the pill now until next month, GP said I could take it when I saw him 4 days into my cycle.

I am going to Spain in 2 weeks and I will be on my period that week, I get so ill when I am on my period. It will ruin my holiday and I will be in bed for 48 hours so now I am dreading goinghttp://www.baby-greenhouse.co.uk/smilies/sad.gif

I am just such a worrier when it comes to taking medication but the DVT/PE risk does worry me. I know it is probably minimal risk but still I don't want it to flare my anxiety up so that everyday I am worrying about pains in my legs, I just know it will make me jumpyhttp://www.baby-greenhouse.co.uk/smilies/rolleyes.gif I once read about a lady who died and the cause of death was a pe which they said was caused by a low oestrogen contraceptive, which mine is supposed to be.

Feel free to slap mehttp://www.baby-greenhouse.co.uk/smilies/wink.gif I just can't carry on like this I know but don't fancy my anxiety hitting me hard again after getting this far.

I also worry what if I missed the DVT and it lead to a PE in my lungs and I suddenly drop dead, I have heard of that happening:blush:

Any advice?http://www.baby-greenhouse.co.uk/smilies/wink.gif

25-06-09, 16:19
Can anyone tell me that if I have started it today (day 17) will I still get my period this month or will it start once ive stopped for my week break?

25-06-09, 16:51
Dont think that taking the pill that far in your cycle is that great , especially when your having probs. Thats was teh advise I got from family planing doc. Kind of think as well if you have ovulated that you will have your own hormones already for themonth - might be like overload.

Also I always though pulmonary stuff and DVT happened becuase of the estrogen in the pills? Maybe I am wrong but was quite sure that thats whey they prescribe progesterone only like pills and potions :) but not estrogen only?

Just a thought not totally sure

Have you ever taken Marvelon? Im away to start it soon. I did start Loestrin 20 last month and stopped it after four days becuase it made me feel awfull and i started freaking out about HIV and weird thoughts about steroids...blah blah . Im having probs like you are every month since i had my baby 8 months ago. Is that what brought yours on too do you think?


25-06-09, 22:08
Yes DVT is because of the oestrogen in the combined pill but my GP said it will be the best pill to try me on to help with my problems.

He said I could start it at any point in my cycle when i spoke to him.,