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View Full Version : terrified and really panicky - advice please

23-06-09, 17:56
Hey, i've been thinking lately about brain aneurysm's and i have realised that i could have one without even knowing it and i could just die at any minute. i'm so scared about it and i don't know how to deal with it. any advice for dealing with this anxiety. i'm so scared coz i do get quite a few headaches and i suffer from dizziness but i put it down to health anxiety but now i'm convinced i have a brain aneurysm. advice please?
please reply
Luv Louise Xx

23-06-09, 18:14
just think about the odds, i'm sure its like one in a million, try to focus on that.

23-06-09, 18:39
Im the same Louise, knowing something like that could happen in a matter of a second, really freaks me out.

23-06-09, 18:41
Something could happen to all of us, but what is the point of worrying about something that is out of our control.

23-06-09, 21:37
I have had moments when I have thought about this but really, we could drive ourselves insane thinking and thinking about these things What I find interesting is that the statistics are higher for any of us to go and and be in a road traffic accident yet there are never ever posts on here about worrying about going out in our car's, on the bus, on the train, going for a walk! Its all mind over matter really isnt it.

23-06-09, 21:51
Louise - you post a lot about HA worries - have you had any counselling yet for it?

23-06-09, 23:54
no i havn't do you think i should? i probably can't afford councelling anyway.

24-06-09, 05:46
no i havn't do you think i should? i probably can't afford counselling anyway.

You could probably get it on the NHS.:)

24-06-09, 11:13
It is free on the NHS but ask specifically for CBT

25-06-09, 01:01
Hi louise. A cousin of mine passed away last week from a aneurysm. She was walking up the stairs, took a pain in her head. and that was it. i get headaches all the time as well, and am scared of having one myself :( life can be so scary. i am starting some counselling tomorrow. i have also been worrying alot about the swine flu so hopefully counselling will help. just wanted to let you know your not alone.