View Full Version : This is a nightmare

23-06-09, 18:48
Hello everyone

I could do with some help for the last seven years I have been suffering with health anxiety I seem to get over it but I always sem to go back to square one. Lately any twinge any sympton I end up panicking myself withdrawing from everybody. I am feeling very confused at the moment and sluring my words alot does anyone else suffer like this.Also i have pain in both legs and arm which I have never noticed before.
Please can somebody offer me some advice I have two children 1 born 9 weeks ago and a very loving girlfriend but I think shes at athe end of her wits with me because she cannot help and Im frightened I will lose them.
I know doctors help but i dont think they fully undersatnd what we with anxiety go through.
I just want to feel normal again and beable to concentrate on my children growing up instead of ignoring whats going on around me.

Please post your thoughts


23-06-09, 19:43
This has come on since the birth of your child?
I'm wondering about your feelings about fatherhood, your father. And how were you after the birth of your other child?

Can you tell us some more about your health anxiety?

I'm also wondering whether this might be partly connected to having a vulnerable newborn around, wanting to protect it? And also at some level feeling jealous of the care and attention it is getting?
I know this might sound off the wall, but it's just my thoughts.