View Full Version : What Types of anxiety to you suffer the most?

23-06-09, 20:54
Another of my intersted mind questions. I seem to sway between a little social anxiety loads of Health anxiety including health of family and a cup full of generalised anxiety. Is everyone similar?


23-06-09, 20:56
Hi Meewah

I think I have all of them!! :weep: :weep:


23-06-09, 20:59
Me too. I wish there was a percentage you could enter. Saying that mine swings from day to day. At the mo it is Health

Social 10%
Generalised 5%
Health 85%



24-06-09, 07:23
I have PTSD type anxiety. I also always have a general undercurrent of constant anxiety which from time to time peaks into panic. I've never had a separate official medical diagnosis of anxiety - they use depression as a cover all.

24-06-09, 09:50
I have very strong General Anx and Health anx - learing to live with it tho!

25-06-09, 00:09
general anxiety for me first and foremost i think. but the least thing can propel this GA into health anxiety depending on how am i feeling from time to time, and when i feel like this there tends to be a stress trigger that heightens my GA to another level. So i can wake up feeling a bit on edge,and as the day goes on the anxiety builds and builds and then it leads to the "sympton anlaysing" and of course then i find it hard to differentiate betweenn what is a emotional or physical sympton.

Take yesterday for example...i woke up feeling fine, but slightly apprehensive about a disclipinary hearing i was to chair at work, all went well and i coped marvellously..then later in the day i was a bit worn out, there was an incident in our street concerning a violent altercation with some youths, the police came to our house to see if we had seen anything as they did all the neighbours. Anyhow i will get to the point. By the time i got to bed , i was a bit overwrought, then i had to get up bcos i had a hive on my neck and was itching (prob due to the high temperatures and warm weather last night) but this then led to me having a sleepless night bcos i felt my mouth was itching, and i thought i was taking an allergic reaction to summat and of course bcos of the day i had encountered this had now become a FATAL allergy. Suffice to say i did fall asleep eventually, i woke up alive and kicking this morning but my point being that if you suffer from any strain of anxiety you are vulnerable and the least little trigger or chain of stressful events can be the straw that breaks the camels back so to speak and lead you down a path of "new" anxieties.

All that aside, today has been a new day, with minimal stresses and i have not ventured over to the health anxiety side of the street. I'm not suggesting its the same for everyone , just my personal situation is that if my GA gets a bit out of control it does tend to lead to other things...in my case HA

K xxxxxxxxxxxxx

25-06-09, 00:10
general anxiety for me first and foremost i think. but the least thing can propel this GA into health anxiety depending on how am i feeling from time to time, and when i feel like this there tends to be a stress trigger that heightens my GA to another level. So i can wake up feeling a bit on edge,and as the day goes on the anxiety builds and builds and then it leads to the "sympton anlaysing" and of course then i find it hard to differentiate betweenn what is a emotional or physical sympton.

Take yesterday for example...i woke up feeling fine, but slightly apprehensive about a disclipinary hearing i was to chair at work, all went well and i coped marvellously..then later in the day i was a bit worn out, there was an incident in our street concerning a violent altercation with some youths, the police came to our house to see if we had seen anything as they did all the neighbours. Anyhow i will get to the point. By the time i got to bed , i was a bit overwrought, then i had to get up bcos i had a hive on my neck and was itching (prob due to the high temperatures and warm weather last night) but this then led to me having a sleepless night bcos i felt my mouth was itching, and i thought i was taking an allergic reaction to summat and of course bcos of the day i had encountered this had now become a FATAL allergy. Suffice to say i did fall asleep eventually, i woke up alive and kicking this morning but my point being that if you suffer from any strain of anxiety you are vulnerable and the least little trigger or chain of stressful events can be the straw that breaks the camels back so to speak and lead you down a path of "new" anxieties.

All that aside, today has been a new day, with minimal stresses and i have not ventured over to the health anxiety side of the street. I'm not suggesting its the same for everyone , just my personal situation is that if my GA gets a bit out of control it does tend to lead to other things...in my case HA

K xxxxxxxxxxxxx

25-06-09, 00:33
general anxiety - but learning to live with it - I hope


25-06-09, 22:50
Social anxiety and generalised anxiety.

Never had health anxiety, in fact during my darker moments in the past I have felt so bad about myself that I felt I deserved to have health problems (felt like wanted to punish myself with them). Thankfully those days are hopefully in the past. Try to look after myself now :) :)

26-06-09, 10:31
Def General Anxiety to start but now Health Anxiety is an issue, went out and had a few too many last night so have a hangover, but my canny little mind has gone into overdrive and given me a brain tumour, funny how the mind works.x

27-06-09, 14:19
Me too. I wish there was a percentage you could enter. Saying that mine swings from day to day. At the mo it is Health

Social 10%
Generalised 5%
Health 85%


I have to agree mine also changes day to day:ohmy:
Social - I am fine
Generalised - 20%
Health - 110% (ha ha) ..........Seriously though Health Anxiety does get out of control - because if i have a pain that i do not know the cause -- panic goes off the scale. I did some gardening the other day and it took ages for me to remember that gardening DOES cause aches and pains. And the little voice in the head says ""are you sure the pain is because you were gardening!!!!!!"" OR is there another cause????????:weep:

magpie girl
27-06-09, 16:23
m 20% general and about 80% health,but it does depend on what kind of day im having eg,today is really hot,so im just anxious about everything today:weep:

Deepest Blue
29-06-09, 01:50
Mine is mainly generalised although a little social as well, oddly enough when I first started feeling anxiety it was 100% health driven but over the years that's not the issue anymore which is really strange, things like illnesses don't seem to affect me much any longer, maybe that's because generally everything else has overpowered those thoughts? I honestly can't say.

29-06-09, 02:46
Health, almost 100%. Since about age 8, possibly longer.

05-07-09, 00:45
I've been diagnosed with Bipolar, GAD (Generalised Anxiety Disorder) and Panic Disorder.

Generalised Anxiety to me refers to all aspects.

05-07-09, 17:02
100% Health Anxiety.

Social i'm fine.

05-07-09, 17:29
On average, I'd say:
80% health
10% general
10% social

Although at this moment in time it's more like 99% health anxiety...

Lion King
05-07-09, 21:28
50% social, 40% general, 10% health.

It is hard to define what it can be as this can change daily!

05-07-09, 22:14
I started off with just agoraphobia but over the past few years this has developed into health anxiety - it wasn't until I joined NMP a couple of years ago that I realised that!:blush:

08-07-09, 10:05
Social anxiety 100%
Alex xx

09-07-09, 11:58
I suffer with Panic disorder. All three of the poll affect me.

Lack of air and sleep seriously mess me up.

13-07-09, 19:52
mostly health anxiety for me ... and stuff like the world and global warming and stuff.. wierd stuff ... its deffinately escalated tons since having kids and my mum having cancer 3 times and finally dying from the big c at the age of 52.. x but at least she dont suffer no mor xx rip mum

15-07-09, 14:46
I'd say general anxiety and health anxiety. and one is usually more so than the other. just now HA is more dominant and it is literally hurting me like hell :weep: