View Full Version : scared of cpn

23-06-09, 21:46
ive seen them now for about 5 or 6 times hour sessions each time, i just dont feel comfortable with them, its just not working i keep trying but look a complete freak
i have been referred to long term cpn team but waiting list long so got to stay on short term
no matter how much i try i just feel soo rubbish, whereas when i see gp or phsychiatrist i feel more comfortable, my gp thought i wasnt soo sure about cpn after a few sessions but i said well i havnt seen them much so not used to them, but now ive seen them more i see what gp meant
pshychiatrist all say ive been doing well and to continue what ive been doing so i have and will
the only thing i dread is the cpn appointments :weep: im starting to get to scrade to go to them now

24-06-09, 07:25
What is it exactly that doesn't feel comfortable for you?

24-06-09, 22:47
not sure just can't speak to her to scared to, even my gp realised in a meeting we had back in early may, i said i hadn't had time to get used to them, but now i have i am scared of them :(
i keep thinking of not going to next appointment saying im sick :(

24-06-09, 22:52
tell them you do not feel comfortable with the cpn and ask for another one, you may not get one but you may very well get a new one. you do not have to see this person just refuse. is there a counsellor you can see?

24-06-09, 23:06
not sure when i see my keyworker pshychiatrist end of july ill mention to them how i feel, think gp will prob ask how it went so will have let them know to

have been referred to long term care team for a cpn but the have a long waiting list, hope it not too long

26-06-09, 07:47
Maybe it is a personality thing with the CPN. He/she isn't as clever in working out how you are feeling? Your psychiatrist sounds supportive and is telling you that you are doing well. Hold onto that. Your negative feelings sound to me to be part of your depression. I have seen people in the past that I know I wouldn't be able to get on with. There is no shame in admitting that. It is a pity that there is such a long wait for treatment. Perhaps you could change your CPN if he/she is unsupportive or things are not working out for you. It is important that you feel comfortable.

26-06-09, 11:57
Tell them and you'll get another CPN. No point in keeping it to yourself as you're wasting your own time and their time :)