View Full Version : Worried about Lips - advice please

24-06-09, 15:51
Hello everyone

I am really worried about my lips because they are feeling itchy and tingly and look really red.

Has anyone else ever had this?

I know its not an allergy or cold or anything because i dont have any other symptoms like that.

Im really worried that there is something up with the salt balance in my body because it feels a bit like i have eaten too much salt if that makes sense.

Im really worried becuase i worry that my HIV tests that were negative were wrong and im scared incase this is another symptom.

Can anyone help me out with this?



25-06-09, 09:36
Can I just check its not that I sound totally mental that noone has answered my post ? or worse that im right about my lips aaaagggghhhh


25-06-09, 09:47
Lisa it sounds like you just have really dry lips because thats exactly what my daughter gets when hers are dry. A good lip balm for a few days sorts it out.


25-06-09, 10:01
Lisa it sounds like you just have really dry lips because thats exactly what my daughter gets when hers are dry. A good lip balm for a few days sorts it out.

Aw thank you. Yes it could just be normal lip dryness or something i guess. But its hard to beleive its not some horrible sinister hiv thing............I hate HA

Thank you for your reply, it helps when someone says something so down to earth and normal like you have


25-06-09, 10:03
Total reckon it's dry lips, I get that too xx

25-06-09, 12:39
Total reckon it's dry lips, I get that too xx
Thanks xfinx, it so helps to hear the words'i get that too' thank you


25-06-09, 15:04
Lisa, r u better today? Remember what you told me when I was worried that my lips were b/c of HIV? You told me NO WAY. You must stop associating every symptom as HIV......normal heatly people get everything u have 2 cause ur normal and healthy...u just have anxiety....and you are dehydrated! U told me just this week you were not drinking enough water so there you have it! I put a good bit of vasoline on my lips each night when going to sleep. The chapped stick stuff usually has things in them to dry you out even more. Vasoline has nothing in it but petroleum so it works good.
Honey....u have had 5 tests.....and remember what the Dr. said.....u must trust sometime and just let the anxiety live there....defeat it instead of trying to eliminate it through reassurance.