View Full Version : Here we go again...

24-06-09, 16:04
Another thought that just popped into my head and I haven't been able to let it rest.

I've not been eating much lately and have had a lot of acid reflux (well I think that's what it is) so I've been taking loads of rennies. Last night I took a zantac and without thinking went on to take my usual dose of about 4 rennies. Then I started worrying because I realised in 24 hours I've had about 8 rennies and zantac and thought surely that's too much. So I googled (will I ever learn?) and read that too much antacid can poison you.

Got very little sleep last night and I'm still worried.My mum says it will be fine but still those what if thoughts are creeping into my mind.

Is it ok to take these two antacids together? I'm not sure about symptoms because I generally feel tired and sick with anxiety anyway so I keep thinking I could have taken too much.

I realise how pathetic this sounds but I just can't help myself.How long will it take for it all to be out of my system?

24-06-09, 16:15
They say it takes between 18-24 hours to fully leave you body, but half of it disappears within the first 3 hours. So I am positive if you were going to have a reaction it would have happened by now.

24-06-09, 16:16
Isnt it sooooooo annoying when you cant shake off a thought because of the what if thing, that is my major problem and today is a bad day for me inthat way.

I think that it helps to detach from the thought and see it as 'just a thought' and nothing more.

Easier said than done I know.

Try distracting yourself, i know thats hard to do, but it really works in calming you down enough to see that your thoughts are not facts and your brain is just firing off innacurate warning messages.

Apparently its all about how you react to the anxious feelings. The trick is not to react!! and after a while your brain stops telling you to panic all the time - its like it learns to forget to be worried !

The antacid thing is okay. Im guessing you could eat a shed load before even anything minor would happen and even then i think it would be bloating and not much else!!


24-06-09, 16:39
Thanks for the replies :)

Sorry to hear you're having a bad day Lisa-hope you feel better soon:flowers: