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View Full Version : Started propranolol on Monday

24-06-09, 17:10
Hi there,

I've been suffering with anxiety since the beginning of April and I finally plucked up the courage to go to see my GP a couple of weeks ago.

She prescribed me propranolol (10mg) - I am really wary of taking medication so I only started taking them on Monday. On the label is says to take 10mg, 3 times a day, but Monday and Tuesday I only had 2 and today I've taken 2 so far but I think I will have the 3 a day like it says from now on.

I can tell that they're calming me down but I feel so tired and 'zoned out' - I can definitely tell that my heart is slower (which I guess means they're doing their job!) and I'm not feeling as anxious as I have been...but I'm wondering how long it will take my body to get used to them? Or whether I will feel 'zoned out' all the time with them? I also don't seem to have an appetite and have quite a dry mouth. I have looked over the leaflet about the side effects but I am such a hypochondriac I tried not to read all of it otherwise I'll be convinced I'm having an allergic reaction to them! lol

Would be grateful for any advice,

thanks :)


24-06-09, 17:42

I was on propranalol for about two years and can remember feeling a little tired and a bit fuzzy when I first started taking them but it wasn't long before my body got used to them. Give them a try for a couple of weeks and if things don't improve have a word with the doctor but I think you will find your body will adapt to them quite quickly. I think this was one of the few drugs that I was able to cope with, I'm not good with tablets but these were quite easy for me to take. You sound like me every time a take a tablet I read up on the leaflet them imagine I have a reaction.

Hope you get on well with them.


24-06-09, 17:57

I was on propranalol for about two years and can remember feeling a little tired and a bit fuzzy when I first started taking them but it wasn't long before my body got used to them. Give them a try for a couple of weeks and if things don't improve have a word with the doctor but I think you will find your body will adapt to them quite quickly. I think this was one of the few drugs that I was able to cope with, I'm not good with tablets but these were quite easy for me to take. You sound like me every time a take a tablet I read up on the leaflet them imagine I have a reaction.

Hope you get on well with them.


Thanks for your reply Carol. I have another quick question, if I'm supposed to take them three times a day - what sort of times should I take them? I'm rubbish! lol. So far today I took one at 9:30am, another at 3:30pm and then I'll probably take it about 9:30pm - so there's 6 hours in between each?


24-06-09, 18:39
Hi There

I take 160mg of these tablets daily and have done for years, I take one morning and one around teatime, the times you have stated sound fine.
Good Luck

24-06-09, 20:36
I can take up to 120 mg a day, and have been taking them for about 15 years. when first prescribed it took me a year to pluck up the courage to take them,( dont like taking anything if i can help it,) but my symptoms were so distressing felt that i had to give them a try, so glad i did, i find them really useful, somedays i have just one 40mg tablet and if i am particularly stressed or when i am getting more symtoms, i can take more.
My GP prescribed the slow realease ones at first, but i prefer to have a bit more control of taking them, so she changed them for me.. when i first started taking them, i think i felt a little odd and start stressing what they were doing to me ,but i am like that will every single med that i have to take, anyway it took a couple of weeks to settle down and be happy with taking them. i felt a little tired at first , but that soon wore off.
i am so glad that i decided , even after such a long wait, to take them, they have life much more bearable.
Also the times that you have suggested taking them sound fine.
I wish you well

P X :flowers: