View Full Version : FAMILY ( PANIC)

07-09-05, 12:56
My sister is now taking bad panic attacks, like me (only been told today).
she lives 250 miles away and now i am thinking about genetic links ?
My aunt and cousin also have it .

Dose anyone else have family with it ?
I am finding this interesting .


07-09-05, 13:08
My two cousins on my dad's side have both had, or are having, problems with either OCD or anxiety/panic attacks. Funnily enough as well, they both started with it at around the same time as mine had it's latest resurgence - when our grandfather died.

--- Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.

07-09-05, 13:20
Hi Mirry,

I find this intresting too, My daughter has suffered this disorder for a number of years ( she is doing very well now [^] it started when she was 3, she is 12 now.
After I came to this site suffering with PA and High anxiaty attacks I picked away at it to see where it came from. I have found that I have been suffering anxiaty symptoms all my life. I know what your thinking ( how did she not know ) well thats another storey.
On my hubbly side there are 2 members of his family who suffer anxiaty.
I have wondered because me and my daghter have suffered weather there was a genetic link.
I'm not sure but I think there is another thread somewhere about this subject.
I will read this thread with intrest to see what other people think.

Many thanks


07-09-05, 13:48
There has been found to be a soft genetic link

'' In studies with patients with panic disorder, 18% of 1st degree relatives had the same disorder , compared with 2% of distant relatives.

60% of pts have at aleast 1 relative with same disorder compared with 15 % control patients. Moreover in twin studies the concordance rate was 45%in identical twins and 15 % in non identical twins.''

It then goes on to question the age old nature / nurture assumptions but no definate conclusions are drawn


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

07-09-05, 14:15
Hi Mirry,
My daughter, she will be 18 the end of this month, has a couple of times, had to leave a party because she has felt panicky in a large crowd, and she tends to worry a lot just like me, i just thought it was where she had grown up around me being like it, but after reading what Meg has written, maybe it is a genetic thing.
Take care
Trac xx

its "just a thought"

07-09-05, 17:51
I would like to add my sister and I have been brought up seperate and have never lived together (just visit each other 1 or 2 times a year).

My husband has no one in his family with it ,they are all ok.

Jill I know what you mean about suffering all your life and not know it
I used to get terrible stomach pains in night clubs and pubs and used to think it was the Smokey atmosphere doing it LOL - shows you what they say about associating things is true!

Dont know why but i like the idea of it being genetic - sort of gets me off the hook for being so ANXIOUS and blame my ancestors instead of myself lol .


12-09-05, 21:03
hi there mirry

i have also found out over the weekend that panic and aniety runs on my mums side of the family. My mum also suffered from these horrible panic attacks but she didnt like telling me before because she thought it would only worry me where as its helped me see that its just not me that suffers from them but my mum has been totally free from panic atacks for over 7years now

and i just hope that we all could see the light at the end of the tunnel, I know this might sound silly but i know its there but just cant see it but i am also on the waiting list to go and see the mental health nurse for CBT but i cant get in until january 2006


13-09-05, 00:47
Its a scary thought that its hirreditory i sufffer with it as does my mum and my nan and my dad oh my god i just so hope it skips my kids, i wouldnt wish it on my worst enemy.

Love & Hugs from Sarah-Jane xxxx

13-09-05, 02:00
I was adopted and my mother suffered really badly. I know i have picked up that family trait from her.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

14-09-05, 06:12
My mother suffered from severe panic disorder years ago, and has finally gotten her life back. My uncle and I go through it now, I'm pretty sure there are other family members, but I'm unaware of them.

Shannon Griffin

15-09-05, 11:22
Hi all

Both of my cousins (my mum's siters children) suffer, my cousin who is 35, 2 years younfer than me has not left the county that he lives in for 10 years!

I worry for my daughters but they thankfully so no signs at all of any anxiety or panic.