View Full Version : I've had it all now...

24-06-09, 21:16
I worry about my health, I worry about my boyfriend's health and now I am worrying about my cat's health!

Poor thing was sick earlier and now feels very sorry for himself and is being very quiet which isn't like him. I keep checking that he is still breathing *sigh*

Can't believe I have HA about the cat now...what is left to worry about??

24-06-09, 22:07
Hi Mondie

I think perhaps with your cat it is just concern, poor cat. Try not to worry my cats are constantly sick they gulp their food down too quickly and don't digest it. Hope your cat is better soon. You aren't alone with your worries over pets I am nursing a poorly rabbit at the moment who had his teeth removed the other day and I am in and out to the hutch constantly checking he is ok.
