View Full Version : Panicking after hysteroscopy today

24-06-09, 22:17
It was the most horrific experience as they now don't use local anaethesia in the neck of the womb and it was horribly painful. I had one about 10 yrs ago and they used local then and it wasn't half as painful as this one. I seem to be in much more discomfort down below after this one than the one 10 yrs ago.
I am panicking that they have perforated my womb doing the biopsy as it was unbelievably painful when they did it although I remember last time it was nasty.
I am also panicking that I will get a womb infection.
Because the reason I had it was that I am bleeding slightly all the time I cannot tell if the bleeding I have is from the proceedure or its just me so that is making me even more worried.
I was due to have a gastroscopy as well tomorrow but have cancelled it for a few weeks - I just can't cope with that as well.
anyone on here had hysteroscopy with biopsy and what can I expect - I feel sore and itchy inside possibly from the speculum as that was quite painful.
I don't know when I need to see a Dr,

24-06-09, 22:42
why don't you phone nhs direct sounds like you need to talk to a medical person

25-06-09, 00:18
Hi countrygirl

Sorry you are feeling so worried after this...

I had a hysteroscopy and biopsy 3 weeks ago. and i know exactly where you are coming from... its not a nice procedure to have done, and yes a agree the biopsy part was very painful, but it was quick thank goodness.. i was as weak as a kitten afterwards, but i had worked myself into such a state that i was exhausted, i was a little sore afterwards but felt more uncomfortable than painful, but i had also taken some painkillers and ibuprofen before the procedure( ibuprofen if you can take it is good for cramp type pain). i dont know if they gave you an information sheet away with you. it tells you that you may experience some bleeding, but if its excessive, like soaking through a sanitary towel to contact them
also you may experience cramp for a couple of days , also dont use tampons until after your next period and to refrain from sexual intercourse for 2 weeks, these are a precautiion against infection.... and of course if you have any offensive discharge then seek medical advice...
The nurse also told me sometimes the bleeding can appear a bit watery too, because the put some water in the womb, so that the surgeon can get a clearer view...

As i said mine was 3 weeks ago... i am doing fine, i was worried about perforation too, but it is pretty rare, if your worry is that because it was so painful, let me just reassure you, that i found it very painful too, and in fact have read on another forum that a lot of women have had the same experience regarding the biopsy part...

But if you cannot be reassured on here, or if anything is different or changes that you are unsure about, phone nhs direct and get some advice, after all thats what they ae there for... but try not too worry, i know it was traumatic, but it all sounds pretty normal...

hope this helps, and my apoligies if its a bit tmi for some...sometimes you have got to say it just how it is..

Take care, im sure things will settle down in the next few days....

Let me know how you get on

P x :flowers:

25-06-09, 10:08
Hey honey, I had a hysteroscopy in march, I completely freaked because I was bleeding, it turned out to be my period apparently a hysteroscopy can bring your period on, I was off work for 3 weeks (I also had a laproscopy too)
I had a lot of pain and like you thought it was a womb infection, even went to the drs and asked for Anti biotics, but it was just my period and period pain, I completely agree with everything Pollynana has said above x

25-06-09, 20:28
thanks for that you have made me feel much better - the info sheet I got was short to say the least with almost no info on afterwards other than some slight bleeding! and avoid intercourse for a few days and tampons.
The bleeding is hardly anthing fingers crossed it stays that way. My biggest worry was that i am aching horribly down below if you know what i mean and the whole area is so sensitive and I keep getting intense prickles and sharp pains all around the saddle area as they call it BUT today I realised that the bed/chair they put you in was different this time instead of your kneed being over supports and your feet free dangling this one was two foot shaped pads on end of supports and they were very wide out so legs were wide apart and you braced yourself with your feet - I have only just remembered that all the time I was having the proceedure my bum was hardly in contact with the bed bit because of the pain I had practically levitated off the bed and it was only when it all stopped that i realised I had been holding my pelvis off the bed rigidly all the time. Maybe this accounts for the awful muscle type ache accross pubic area. I did notice as soon as I got off the bed that my left hip was hurting horribly i thought from the position. It even hurts to sit on my bum that bit at top of legs!
If I am no better tomrorow then I may ask Dr just to put my mind at rest.

25-06-09, 21:04
Hi Countrygirl.

Glad you are feeling a bit better about it today, and the bleeding is only a little so thats good.:)
What you are describing fits in i think with being so tense throughout the procedure, and dont forget you may also be getting crampy ytpe pain for a few days...
But as you say if no better tommorow you can phone your doctor and get some reassurance, which is a sensible plan, thats probably what people who dont have anxiety would probably do to.

let us know how you get on tommorow

Pauline x :flowers: