View Full Version : Pregnant and worried about Swine flu

24-06-09, 23:21
Hi everyone,

We have had our first 3 deaths this week in Australia from Swine flu.

We have been advised here that pregnant woman are one of the ones at most risk of contracting it. Also if you are over weight and have repiritory problems (which I am, and I get Asthma sometimes)

I am terrified now of getting it. Getting the flu itself doesn't worry me, but dying from it does. :weep:

I also have two little ones that I need to keep safe from it. I don't know why I am writing this - just had to get it out in the open.

Thanks for reading!

24-06-09, 23:27
Hi Sam

We have loads of threads about this with loads of advice etc so please have a search for them and have a read and it will reassure you.

24-06-09, 23:28
:blush: I did and there was nothing about being pregnant

24-06-09, 23:29
The advice is the same though - hand washing etc etc.

24-06-09, 23:32
I just read the leaflet we got issued and it does not mention increased risk for pregnant women - where did you hear this?

24-06-09, 23:35
The population is over 21,007,310

Ok 3 people died and how many got killed by a car last week or died of cancer etc etc.

I am trying to make you see that statistically it so so so minor!

24-06-09, 23:35
Thanks Nicola.:)

I got it from the WHO site here:


Without question, pregnant women are at increased risk of complications. This heightened risk takes on added importance for a virus, like this one, that preferentially infects younger age groups.

And all the media - experts in Australia have put Pregnant woman as high risk. Just what someone pregnant with HA wants to hear :scared15:

24-06-09, 23:38
Did you not read this bit though...

First, more than 99% of maternal deaths, which are a marker of poor quality care during pregnancy and childbirth, occurs in the developing world.

Second, around 85% of the burden of chronic diseases is concentrated in low- and middle-income countries.

24-06-09, 23:50
Sorry if I seemed a bit harsh but I am trying to make you realise how unlikely it is you will get it and even then it is easily cured with drugs.

25-06-09, 00:55
Hi Samantha! I am from Nova Scotia, canada. i am so so so worried about the h1n1 too :( a friend of mone recently got it, and she has a 3 year old. It is now in our very very small community, and i work at a local store. I am handling money constantly, and It is so scary! I have a 4 year old son. I'm scared of dying from it as well. It's giving me panic attacks :( I just wanted to let you know that i feel your pain sweetheart.
They are right statistically thou, but it just doesnt seem to make me feel any better either:(

25-06-09, 04:04
Thanks Nicola - I know what you are trying to do but well you know what it is like:blush:

Rebecca, thank you and I am sorry that you feel the same. xxxxx

17-07-09, 00:51
There are now 11 pregnant women in Australia in ICU or Life support. The medical profession are now recommending pregnant women stay home unless it is necessary.

How am I supposed to do that? I have a 2 year old and nearly 4 year old. They go to pre school, they need to get out, my husband needs to go to work. Arggghh - it is getting too much for me now:weep:

We tried to have this baby I am pregnant with for 10 months. I feel selfish that we kept trying. If I had of fallen pregnant in the first month like I did with my other two I would have had the baby by now and not be so anxiety ridden about this damn flu. I really hate myself at the moment.:weep:

17-07-09, 01:06
Oh Samantha, please don't hate yourself. At least you are not thinking like me, i have reasons to hate myself, thinking i wish i wasn't pregnant just because of the damn flu. Those cases in Australia are really scary, i mean when u hear that and you are pregnant how do you not panic?? In any case even if you or I do stay at home, unless the whole household stays in as well what is the point... i have been even hardly out of the house for more than 6 weeks with hyperemesis, and it doesn't matter cause hubby has to go to work and mix with people so he can still bring it home anyway. I just wish they would say how many pregnant women have actually had it, have they all ended up in icu?

17-07-09, 01:12
Thanks Millie - it is so nice to have someone understand and not just tell me how silly I am for worrying:hugs:

I have heard of a handful of other pregnant women through another forum I am on that have had it - been quite knocked around from it but have recovered or are recovering. But it is still quite hard to put that into perspective when you hear about the women fighting for their lives atm.

It makes it worse here as we are in Winter in Australia which is why our cases are more severe.

And yes I am selfish too so don't worry about that. Some of my thoughts I have had over this swine flu are so selfish I don't even want to share them.:blush:

Big hugs to you Millie and thanks for replying. I hope that nasty hypermesis goes for you soon.
