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View Full Version : Why can't i stop worrying?

25-06-09, 14:04
Hi I posted here last week about my fear of having rectal cancer. I finished my medication and things have been a lot better, next to no pain or discomfort. So why can't i just stop worrying and forget about this? I've been feeling a bit nauseous and off colour this last week and i actually did a pregnancy test today even though it was virtually impossible for me to be PG. I don't know if my constant worrying is whats causing me to feel unwell or if i am actually ill!

I had my CBT session on Monday and i told my counsellor that i was tempted to go back to the GP for more reassurance although my symptoms had alleviated and she said that i should'nt and that i need to reassure myself, but its so difficult. I don't believe what the doctors tell me so i'm hardly going to be able to convince myself.

We're off to Turkey on Monday and i really want to enjoy this holiday but i can't shake this feeling of doom and gloom. God i sound like a nutter!

25-06-09, 16:07
Hi I posted here last week about my fear of having rectal cancer. I finished my medication and things have been a lot better, next to no pain or discomfort. So why can't i just stop worrying and forget about this? I've been feeling a bit nauseous and off colour this last week and i actually did a pregnancy test today even though it was virtually impossible for me to be PG. I don't know if my constant worrying is whats causing me to feel unwell or if i am actually ill!

I had my CBT session on Monday and i told my counsellor that i was tempted to go back to the GP for more reassurance although my symptoms had alleviated and she said that i should'nt and that i need to reassure myself, but its so difficult. I don't believe what the doctors tell me so i'm hardly going to be able to convince myself.

We're off to Turkey on Monday and i really want to enjoy this holiday but i can't shake this feeling of doom and gloom. God i sound like a nutter!

No you certainly dont sound like a nutter!!! If you are then i am so many others on this forum must be too!!

Its crap isnt it when that doom feeling is picking away at you trying to get your attantion.

I guess you might try and starve it of attenion and try and stifle it for a while. I hate it and find myself having to be patient about it being there and soon enough it lifts. Its like the more you fight against it the worse it feels. Its like accepting that it is there but not reacting to it is the way forward.

Bet you have a fantastic time on your hols lucky you!!


25-06-09, 16:38
hi thanks for replying, it helps so much to know that i'm not the only one having to deal with this horrible anxiety.

I am going to try and ignore these feelings because i really don't want to ruin everyones holiday but it really is so hard. I'm constantly talking to myself and trying to rationalise my thoughts and sometimes i can really get through to myself but at other times its hopeless and i just feel dread and despair.

I've lost my appetite and i'm having to force myself to eat and that with the nausea is making me think i must be ill so i'm getting more anxious which in turn is making me feel even more ill! talk about a vicious circle!

I just want to feel better!

25-06-09, 16:45
I know what you mean. You just feel like you there is something wrong all the time .
My psychologist told me that it really dificult to calm your mind down when you are physically uptight. He has told me to try some breathing excersises when i am peaking in anxiety and calm myself down physically before doing anything else and I fond that it does work. Have you been doing anything practical in your CBTfor your anxiety itself when its bad? I started of having to use sheets to note down my triggers and what I was thinking and then I was to write more rationale reasons for my feelings or sympstoms in another column. He has me doing it for a while and evenutally I learned to do it in my mind . Its really helped me.


26-06-09, 13:18
hi Lisa, yes my counsellor also taught me the breathing technique and i found it to be very helpful. I also had to fill in sheets aswell, maybe i should look them out and read over them.

I just seem to go from one huge worry to another, i'm lucky if i manage to get a few weeks inbetween without some major health scare.

Oh to be normal!:)

26-06-09, 13:25
I know where you are coming from totally.

I think the thing with the sheets is that it forces your brain into 'rational' mode and before you know it youve calmed down without meaning too . I think its actually doing them that helps not so much reading them over.

My psycho guy has explain that you brain has just learned to really strongly warn you about stuff to do with health and its got to be retrained to stop giving these false warnings and the best way to do it is to not react to it when it happens, like teaching a child that screaming and shouting does not get a reaction so they finally realise this is not the way to make mummy buy me a toy.. kind of thing. He said it will still keep happening over and over for ages but the more you just feel the anxiety and dont react - as in carry on with your plans for that day as calmly as possible using loads of effort if need be- the more it will subside and the easier it will get. It seems to be really helping me tackling it this way
Not long til your hols now!!!