View Full Version : First time on here. Anixous as can be. Would love to hear from this community.

25-06-09, 15:47
Hey everyone,

Im Gia, 25 from NY, just signed up for this website two mins ago after battling health aniexty issues for the past few months. They seemed to come out of no where when I had a staph infection in my belly button. Ever since then I have become worried about everything.

The thing thats bothering me most today is for the past two months I would say, I have had a slight dull/achy throbbing feeling in both armpits. The feeling comes and goes but I feel it almost everyday. I have a slight lump in booth when I was sick around two months ago but they came and went within a week. Now Im obbsessed with the thought it was swollen lypmph nodes. Im terrified of HIV/Cancer. I cant get the thought out of my head. I (stupidly) google everything which only makes it so much worse. I have nothing that apperas to be abnormal from looking at it, and Im not even sure they are swollen. Would I be able to tell if they were? Im gonig to the doc sat mornign and cant wait until then. I would love to hear fro manyone if they ever expericaned this before. PS- im not ready to take an HIV test. Im terrified of results and will one day just not today. I wish I had the courage to. I have no other sympoms but those, but its really freaking me out and I cant stand the constant thoughts all day everydy. Thans for reading and any insight is grealty apprecited. I would just love someone to talk to that would understand. :hugs:

25-06-09, 16:27
how come no one is writing. not impressed with this website so far. = (

25-06-09, 16:39
Hi Ny

The thing with health anxiety is we turn the least little thing into something major. We need to try to see things as they are and not blow them out of proportion (easier said than done i know).

Have you read the health anxiety section on the forum as it may be of benefit to you.


25-06-09, 16:41
^^^^ Be patient!!!:)

If it wasn't for this website I wouldn't get through a day now! Its very reassuring that there are many people out there with the same worries, the threads move fast but if you search back through old threads you'll probably find several reassuring threads that can explain things and realise your not the only person in the world that suffers....

I've been a slight sufferer for several years but the last 3 have been when my HA really came out into my life.

Mines comes and goes too and I can nail it to when I'm stressed, which is alot these days!!

25-06-09, 16:44
I have had similar fears years ago. The whole are they swollen or not thing can drive you crazy. I had a nieghbor who had swollen nodes and they were obviously swollen. So if they aren't obvious, I wouldn't worry. Strangely, I have read in a great book about HA by Asmunson, that you can actually cause a node to swell if you are poking at it too much, thus making your HA worse. BTW, the search feature on this site is great. You will find lots of older posts that address your concerns. Good luck

25-06-09, 16:57
how come no one is writing. not impressed with this website so far. = (

Blimey - give people chance to reply.:winks:

Why not have a read of the website pages whilst you wait for more replies

25-06-09, 17:38

I'm sure you will get the support you need on here.
Best wishes.

25-06-09, 17:48
people do reply, most people from UK & there is a time difference. Welcome to NMP, it is an excellent website & you will get a lot of help.

25-06-09, 19:52
thanks for all ur responses everyone. and sorry i didnt realize that most was uk time. ;)

26-06-09, 00:11
NYgirl- I will say this site saved me. People will respond. I am in the same boat as you with HIV fears but I have had a - test! When I found this site, I went to search at the top of your screen (the NMP search not google or anything) and typed in HIV. If you do that, you can read like 30 pages of post from people, myself inlcuded, just like you! You are not alone!! Please, try the NMP (no more panic) search for HIV and any symptom you have.

Also, stay off of google!!! That is the the rule!! When reading post here you will see that many, if not all, the people here get themselves very upset from things read on google.

Good luck...and please know that staph happens even if you dont have HIV.....there are many people who get staph and no HIV.

Can I ask....have you placed yourself in a risky situation? Do you know the real stats on how hard it is to catch? I mean in you are a heterosexual not doing drugs and not having anal sex your chances are less than 1%....did u know that?

26-06-09, 13:52
no i did not know that. I have had only a few sexual partners I think 3 unproteced. I did have have an HIV test a few yrs back when I found out I was pregnant, and in ny in mandatory to have an hiv when finding out such news. i nkow all i have to do to rid myself of any fears is to just go and get it done, but im too terrifed to face reality with the "what if's" the whole process bring. I am not a drug user, I do not engage in promisous sex and have never had anal sex. I will hopefully bite the bullet and just do it and get it over with. Do u have any websites that show these stas. Thaks so much for ur reply i truly appreciate u took the time to ease my fears. have a great weekend.