View Full Version : Hi, I'm new here

Mama TJ
25-06-09, 18:14
Hi everyone. I stumbled across this site last night after googling 'coming off Citalopram' and I'm so glad I've found it.

I'm 35, married with 2 children. I've suffered with anxiety since I was a child but only starting taking anti depressants 2 years ago. I came off them 2 or 3 weeks ago so I'm seeing how I can cope without them.

I guess the turning point in my life was when my dad died in 2002, he had just turned 55 so wasn't that old really. I've never felt the same about life after that. I felt like nothing mattered anymore (not sure if that makes sense to anyone?)

Tanya :)

25-06-09, 18:25
This is a lovely site, Mama TJ. I have only been here for about a month but have found that people are so friendly and supportive, and its good to be able to chat with others who understand how you feel.

Its good to meet you.


Veronica H
25-06-09, 21:21
:welcome: Tanya
You will find comfort and support here. Glad that you have found us.


28-06-09, 01:05
Hi Tanya,
Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and will give their support. I'm glad you found us.

Take care,
