View Full Version : Weed killer sprayed in my face

25-06-09, 20:52
I'm freaking out at the minute and need some reassurence.
My boyfriend sprayed some weed killer in the garden but the wind took it and it went in my face.

I immedietly went to wash it off with water and a sponge, and a tiny bit of handsoap, but i'm so worried it went on my lips and i couldn't put soap on them.

I swilled my mouth out with water and spat that out.

I had some toast after but now my thorat feels funny and abit sore and burning so now obviously i'm worried that ive injested the weed killer.

Has this ever happend to you or someone else, obviously it was only accidental, its not like it was sprayed right onto my face but it did cover my whole face, i'm more worried about swallowing it.

25-06-09, 20:58
Drink lots of water and call nhs direct 0845 4647

25-06-09, 21:01
You are going to be just fine hun! Call NHS but have the bottle your bf used close as they may ask for the ingredients.

Don't worry and let us know how you get on

25-06-09, 21:05
My boyf isnt being supportive, he says im worrying about nothing.

I did have a look at the back of the bottle, it sayd if its s[rayed on the skin then wash off immediatley, doesnt say anything about injesting.

When it hit my face my mouth was closed, but i did shout at him straight after, i didnt feel anything go into my mouth but i definatley felt it all hit my face, he was stood about a metre away.

having a panic attack now

25-06-09, 21:17
You'd have to literally drink the stuff for it to burn our throat.
Inhalation isn't enough to cause damage from insecticide.
I live in a town that is surrounded by farms and the planes go over and spray the fields so I was worried about it and asked my doc.
If you are worried about it then it might be best to call your doc just for piece of mind.
And tell the hubby I said he has sh1tty aim and be more careful next time :)

25-06-09, 21:17
You are going to be fine. The real damage comes with deliberately spraying, ingesting, inhaling a substance. It was in the air, not sprayed on you directly. You did the right thing by washing it off, but beyond that, you shouldn't worry. I know it is hard, though. You sound just like me when it comes to this stuff. I'm still here, and you will be, too. :) Let us know how you are doing. Hugs!!

25-06-09, 21:24
thank you. has anything like that happend to you wiskerson? i'm having a massive panic attack now. cthe though of having to call nhs is panicking loads because of my social phobia and they always tell you to go to hospital which i couldnt do because of my agoraphobia.

i did put a little bit of soap on my lips but only after the soapy sponge had been on my face, i noticed a funny taste when it was on my face but i thought maybe it was because i was actually using a pan scouring pad and not an actual sponge. im thinking what if i wiped the weed killer onto my lips more when i wiped my face.

my thoat and mouth and tongue feel a bit burning, and my drinks taste abit funny. its just my panic is making it worse.

My boyfriend says im just panicking and over reacting