View Full Version : Hot weather and feeling sick anyone?

25-06-09, 21:14
I seem to have had a problem with the heat, especially down here in London where it gets quite humid, ever since I first had anxiety.

Mostly I feel as if I am swelling up and about to burst (although I'm not swollen up), and then the background nausea starts and I feel completely wiped out.

I had a dose of heat sroke years ago in my younger (and very foolish - sit out in the sun all day - years) and have always taken care not to stay out in it for more than half an hour at a time and not without a hat) so I don't have to go through that horrific experience again. Unfortunately I don't now seem to have much tolerance for sun-generated heat at all and definitely can't take humidity.

Does anyone else have this problem with over sensitivity to summer heat?

25-06-09, 21:40
Hi there

I can't abide the heat either. It makes me feel pysicaly ill.
I remember last time i went to London, Long time ago now but the heat was horrific, way hotter then we get in scotland.

You are not on your own here as i know there is many members here who are ill with the heat too!

Take care

25-06-09, 21:51
Me to, I get very anxious when it is hot, funnily enough I came on the site tonight to see if it bothered anyone else. Getting very hot gives me the same sort of symptoms of anxiety, ie, breathlessness, fatigue, no energy, hot flashes etc etc...as well as feeling bunged up and hands and feet swelling. I have to be careful that it doesn't escalate in to panic.

It's a sad state of affairs when you can't enjoy a summers day isn't it !
Bathing your feet in cold water helps.

Rain tomorrow Yipee lol.

25-06-09, 21:58
i thought it was just me :O i never minded the heat before, but since i started getting the panic attacks, i actually cannot stick it! it makes me feel dizzy and sick. i just drink loads of cool water but it doesn't help that much .

bring on the rain!

25-06-09, 22:44
Yes, I'm always much more anxious when it's hot, especially when I'm out of my comfort zone (the sofa). A particular problem is shortness of breath and hyperventilation. The easiest solution is to stay in during the day and if I really have to go to the shops, go to a 24-hour supermarket in the middle of the night.


25-06-09, 23:01
Thanks everyone - you know exactly how I feel.

I'd like not to have to go out when it's this hot but unfortunately I work in Central London and have no choice but to brave the Underground which is like a furnace.......

Been thinking perhaps I should relocate to Scotland - I cope much better with cooler climates way north of London.

The only saving grace of the current heat spell is that it is at least cool enough at night to sleep.

26-06-09, 06:48
i cant tolerate the heat i had heat stroke as a child and i have always been funny with hot weather when i was 13 i had a convulsion which was due to heat as it was a very hot summer so i do understand what you mean

magpie girl
26-06-09, 14:53
i hate the heat its awful were i live at the moment its so muggy.i am so uncomfortable,i cant sleep,im restless feel swollen with all the fluid im drinking.I think imay have to join you if you move to scotland lol

Hereford Al
26-06-09, 22:52
It aint so much the heat that I hate. It is the ridiculous himidity we seem to get.

27-06-09, 00:21
Getting very hot gives me the same sort of symptoms of anxiety, ie, breathlessness, fatigue, no energy, hot flashes etc etc...as well as feeling bunged up and hands and feet swelling. I have to be careful that it doesn't escalate in to panic.

Rain tomorrow Yipee lol.

Just how I feel. My feet are like balloons and my legs are tight. The sudden sweats soak me and I feel really nauseous. I used to love being out in my garden in summer. As I'm agrophobic, it's really dispiriting for me not to be able to go out in the heat anymore.

Hereford Al
27-06-09, 22:07
I feel really rough today. Not been great for a few days cos of the hot weather, but today I feel sick, headachy and the back of my legs feel like jelly and I have lost my appetite a fair bit. I had my first panic attack in over 2 months last night when I woke up feeling really ill about 4AM.

Hopefully it is just a little bug or something that will clear up in a few days, cos it feels like I usually do when I have a cold coming on. I also need a few decent nights sleep cos the hot weather has been causing me to wake up sweating buckets every single night of late.

Gunna drink loads of water (with ice cubes!) and have the fan on inside all day tomorrow me thinks.