View Full Version : Sore in nose FREAKING ME OUT!!

26-06-09, 00:19
Hi Guys, I could really really use some reassurance....my allergies kill me and I have post nasal drip. I do a lot of nose blowing because of it, but it is all clear....no infection or anything, just allergies. It is VERY dry and hot where I live and has not rained in like 3 weeks so the dust is TERRIBLE. Well, for the past 2 weeks or so, maybe even 3, I have developed and kept a sore spot in my nose that I am starting to obsess over because I'm realizing that it is not going away!

Blowing has made it worse just like the tip of the nose on the outside gets raw and of course like any cut in a bad place, everytime I move my lips a certain way, and move my nostrils, it reopens and I feel it there and become obsessed with it so then I move my lips and nostrils more to see if I can still feel it like 2 minutes later and then I touch it, and look at it and just more than likely irriate the crap out of it. I am not a nose picker (lol) but I have put my finger on it to feel it (it is right inside my nostril) because I have HA and OCD and just can't let the stupid thing heal!!!! Im probably making it worse!

My worry is that it is not going away and I have been applying antibiotic ointment for atleast a week, but only 1 time or 2 at the most, a day, and with a Qtip. I worry about HIV and I am really scared to google because if I see a connection to HIV my anxiety will spike and I have been doing pretty good. I have also heard that nose sores can be lupus....so I'm spending a little time...no a lot of time noticing it now.

Can anyone tell me if they have ever had a nose sore...more like a dry skin patch that gets raw for more than a week? Like from blowing too much. It is not a bump and does not have puss. It is just a red, raw spot in my nose. It does not bleed but I can see redness when I look into my nostril.....HELP...PLEASE:blush:

26-06-09, 00:58
this sounds totally normal Hun, I've had it on the outside when I've had a cold etc so I don't why you can't have the same thing on the inside, normally I'd put Vaseline on & wait it out - totally fine & nothing to worry about plus as we both know but refuse to accept HIV is not symptom driven in the slightest most people don't get symptoms and if they do it's the fluey thing shortly after infection which would then make them test positive and all things that are apparently HIV symptoms are actually all normal things that people get all the time. HIV isn't symptom driven the test is the only way to find out and yours is neg


26-06-09, 11:10
Hey you!!!

You poor thing. GK is totally right dear.. no symptoms......other wise we would all be bombarded with what to look for seeing as that is the scare method that hiv is treated with.

The ,most important thing here is that as you have been tested negatively for HIV that you dont have it, so your poor overwiped overstressed nose irritation cannot be caused by HIV anymore than it being caused by testicular cancer - not a nice illness but you can see why that is definately not you problem hee hee.

The thing is sweetie you are doing really really well recently with this but when its hard its hard. This is a trigger for you and this is a chance for you to strengthen your ability to work through the anxiety and a big step towards getting rid of it once and for all.

If I were you, i would make my first step consciously NOT touching or looking at it..at all. The problem might actually be made worse by the antibios you are putting on it. Maybe you just dont need anything on it to heal it and you are actually irritating it instead.

Could it be that the antibiotic is a means of reasurance or control that is actually making you take more notice than you need to of the irritation?

Like my taking iron and vitamins that i dont actually need that just reinforce the idea that i am ill and need drugs, see what I mean?

Apologies if the doc gave it to you but even if he did, i think with very minor issues doc respond to your discomfort more than your physical requirements and sometimes overprescribe just to shut us up. hee hee

What is more likely dearest......in the height of summer, a person who has tested negative for hiv, who does not fit into any of the risk categories for hiv ,suffers from allergies and has a irritation in her nose caused by overwiping


in the height of summer, a person who has tested negative for hiv, who does not fit into any of the risk categories for hiv ,suffers from allergies and has a irritation in her nose caused by hiv?

I think the latter actually sounds hesterically funny luv!!

I will email you and bother you further with this!!!!!


17-07-09, 10:00
Oh I know how you feel :) I'm sure this is something you have in common with us extreme hayfever sufferers. When mine gets bad, my throat and nose itches to the point I feel like screaming... and as a result, if im caught without any hayfever tabs, I end up with the bit of my nostril at the tip of my nose splitting. It stings. It takes ages to heal. Antibiotic cream probably wont help all that much if there is no infection. More than likely you just need something like Palmers Coco Butter cream on it as its full of vitamin E which speeds the healing. Rest assured, what you are describing is perfectly normal, albeit a little annoying x