View Full Version : Breathing issues :S

Rick Loader
26-06-09, 06:56
Hi all.

For a week or two now ive felt like ive had a tight chest and my breathing is dodgey i have developed a symptom where it feels like a pain in my chest not a really bad one just a uncomfatable. Also when i walk upstairs or something it seems to go worse and my breathing goes strange too. I dont know if its me thinking about it to much or it is something bad ?

Anyone have any ideas or experience this ?

Thanks for your time..


26-06-09, 10:13
Rick, there was a time when I was in college and I felt I had shortness of breath for an entire month!! I was under a lot of emotional stress at the time and the more I thought about it, the more it was there. The pain in your chest is more than likely due to your breathing. At this point, since this is still a concern for you . . go see your doctor for reassurance. You have mentioned before that you have been and got a clean bill of health. Go with that. You are just focusing too much on this, sweetie! I know it is easy to do because it is scary -- oh, the countless minutes and hours, and even days and months I have wasted doing the same. You are young, the odds of something being catastrophically wrong with you is .. 0. I was even told that in my 30s when I went to the doc for chest pains and ecoptic heart beats.
What is your diet like? Are you eating and drinking things with caffeine in them? If so, STOP! That will only aggravate the situation. Also, stay well hydrated, and try and get some rest. These are starters that YOU can control. The mind takes a little longer to get the point. :)
Anyway, Rick, hand in there . . do see your doctor so you can move on with your life. Please keep me informed. Hugs, Wiskers ~