View Full Version : Scared!

26-06-09, 11:38
I go in to hospital on Monday for keyhole surgery to remove my gallbadder. The operation i'm not worried about, but the thought of the Anaesthetic scares me witless:blush:

It's a bit like 'Your life in their hands' that worries me the most, but also my chest is not great, i suffer asthma and i weeze a fair bit.

Also i'm scared that they will keep me waiting around and my anxiety will send me running for the door:blush:

At the beginning of last week i was undecided wether to have the op, but Friday changed my mind when i had a 'flare up' and a paramedic was called to give me morphine for the awful pain....so i do need this op, but i'm petrfied:weep:


Trish x

26-06-09, 12:16
Trish, have you ever been under anesthesia before? I had my gallbladder out and knew nothing at all. Tell the anesthesiologist beforehand about your chest, your fears. Maybe they can give you something mild beforehand to calm you down. I didn't take anything and yes, the waiting is the worst part. Don't be embarrassed to cry if you feel like it. I always start weeping when they call my name. It's normal to be petrified. If ou have any questions about the gall bladder stuff, feel free to ask me. Did you have stones?

26-06-09, 12:38
Hi Lauren

Thank you for your reply.

When i went for my pre-op i told the nurse about my chest and my anxiety, but sadly i think she got out of the wrong side of the bed that morning and wasn't at all interested:huh:

I know i will start crying once i'm there, the last time i had an op was about 14 years ago and i was that bad i locked myself in the bathroom:blush: and had to be encouraged out by a nurse!

Oh to be fit and well and free of this HA:weep:

Trish xx

26-06-09, 12:43
Hi Trish

I had the same op in Feb of last year after having excruciating pain for ages..I don't need to tell you how bad it gets.
I am also asthmatic and have been on life support a few times due to bad attacks so I know the thought of anaesthesia is scary.
My experience was a very positive one, the anaesthetist came round to have a good chat with me prior to the op, took my asthma concerns seriously and was very reassuring, explaining exactly what would happen during the op and immediately afterwards.
The only drawback was that I did have to wait for a long time (op was done at 8pm) but anxiety of sitting waiting is nothing in comparison to the pain of the gallstones..I was determined to get the op!
All was well, I remember the anaesthetist chatting to me as I was put under the anaesthetic then that was it..I was in the recovery area!

Try not to stress, I'm sure you will be fine :)

26-06-09, 12:44
I can understand your fear, I suffer from epilepsy as well as anxiety/depression etc. Had had 2 "generals" over 30 years ago and experience was terrible therefore my fear increased to the point that when I needed an operation on my foot approx 4 years ago I wanted it with a "local". The surgeon would not do it. Needed it done so forced myself there got there and they were already aware of my fears etc. Was given a sedative before op, had operation and just woke up!! Feeling marvellous apart from pain in my foot but that had not been my worry. If you have had a "general" before and it was many years ago the improvements they have made of recent years are tremendous!! Good Luck:)

26-06-09, 13:11
Thank you Ladybird and Doorbell for your positivity:)

I have to be at the hospital for 7.30am and the nurse did say that i was on the morning list...it would be great if i could get there and go straight down, but i can't see that happening:huh:

My chest at the moment isn't great what with this humid weather, but it has been worse.

Doorbell i did ask my gp if i could have this op done by 'local' but he said they wouldn't do it:huh:

Ladybird after Friday's flare up i don't ever want to go though the pain again, so i know what i have to do, i'd sooner go 20 hours in labour wouldn't you?

How long did it take you to get over the op?

Thanks again

Trish x

26-06-09, 13:18
Hi Trish

Well, to be honest I felt like I had been kicked in the belly for a couple of weeks afterwards but if you mean aftermath from the anaesthetic, there wasn't much..just a rather pleasant woozy feeling.
I was well enough to take myself off to the loo 4 hours after the surgery..I can honestly say that although I have heard that some people felt the op was no good, I'm very glad I had it done.
As for the labour..yup, i totally agree. I managed to give birth to 6lb twins without so much as a paracetamol but the gallstones had me in tears.

You won't regret the op hun, if you need any support, just PM me. :flowers:

26-06-09, 13:42
Ladybird i know, the gallstone pain is like no other, i can't even find the words or don't believe there are any to describe it!!!

I have my son's wedding in September so i'm hoping i will be fit for that:)

Are there any foods to avoid after having the op?

Trish xx