View Full Version : Thought I was finally getting there

26-06-09, 12:23
Well I have felt quite well over the last few days and stupidly last night I started thinking about how well I have been this week, and wouldn't you know it, I had a horrendous night last night. As i was trying to go to sleep I had that funny feeling in my ears, where they felt blocked then as I lay down I kept getting those horrible head rushes and feeling dizzy inside my head, also I felt so sick. Is there anyone who can reassure me that this isn't something to do with a serious illness, cause everytime I start feeling better it knocks be back down again with all the same fears. Even though I have had this before, it still scares the s**t out of me cause I think I'm dying. I want it all to go away now, I've had this for nearly a year now, okay thats enough.........

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26-06-09, 12:47
I know how you feel, I have had three fairly good days on the trot and wham, bad day today again, Its hard to accept that it is down to anxiety I know, but I have the same symptoms as you are experiencing, and yes they are really scarey when they are happening, but you will be ok. So long as the Doctor has checked you out and has confirmed it is anxiety then you know it will pass. I'm having what I call brain shakes today, it feels as though my brain is literally shaking in my skull, but it does pass. I've started to exercise and have gone back to relaxation techniques and it has made a difference.

Toni x x