View Full Version : A weird growth in my mouth - big C worries! Help!

26-06-09, 13:02
Hello everyone,
sorry for being a pest :-( normally I wouldnīt post that much, but Iīm studying abroad now and since Iīm real short on cash, I know I canīt afford to go to a docīs and that sends me over the edge. Normally when Iīm home, this wouldnīt happen or Iīd just go to a docīs for reassurance, but here my insurance only pays for emergencies and this is obviously not the case :-(
Thereīs a growth inside my mouth, right by the molars, where two teeth meet. It looks kind of as if the gums were overgrown, itīs just this soft patch of tissue partly covering my tooth, kind of longish, a bit lighter in color than the rest, but not completely white. It doesnīt hurt in any way, itīs just there. I go for regular dental check ups, last one was in December and I know it was there, but smaller and I didnīt really pay attention to it. Now it grew, only by a few mm, but it did grow. I wish I could just go to the dentist to get that checked, Iīm so scared and the fact that I canīt visit a specialist is freaking me out. What if itīs the big C? I mean, Iīm 25, never smoked a single cigarette and I drink like maybe two or three beers a month.
I couldnīt sleep last night, I was so anxious. I tried reading the other posts, but didnīt find anyone describing the same problem. Iīm panicking. Reassurance anyone?
Thank you.

26-06-09, 18:19
Do you mean like a flap of skin?

26-06-09, 19:04
Yup, it looks kind of like this. Iīve had gingivitis coming and going for most of my life - been taking care of my teeth properly, but it still shows up from time to time - I guess something in the family, since my Momīs had it,too and so does my little bro - for no obvious reason. Think this could be connected?

26-06-09, 19:12
I have flaps of skin over both my wisdom teeth at the back as well.

26-06-09, 22:44
I had gingivitis on my back molar that swelled over the molar. I couldn't close my mouth all the way or it would be like chewing on gum with nerves. I brush he hell out of that area now and use mouthwash regularly. I have also had a non cancerous growth removed from the inside of my lower lip.

Go to a oral surgeon if you can, they either know what it is or can remove/biopsy it. Don't worry to much about it, you aren't a smoker so chances are good its nothing serious.

26-06-09, 22:53
Thatīs the thing - I canīt go see any doc, unless itīs emergency. Iīd have to pay and the price would be like half of my stipendium here :-( And I guess Iīm too proud to ask my parents or friends for cash. Iīll be back at home in two months - that means free health care and a visit to an oral surgeon. I just donīt wanna worry myself sick till then. Funny, how my head is playing tricks...before I got here, I was working like a donkey, barely eating, barely sleeping and now when I am having the time of my life - BANG! HA is here. And the fact that I canīt go see a doc is not helping.
I just wanted to thank you folks for your replies - it really helps to know that Iīm not alone.

27-06-09, 15:44
When I was younger I used to get fluid filled pockets around my teeth that would let out nasty liquid. I have not had that in over 10 years...but I remember them not hurting just swelling around my teeth until I pushed on them and popped them. Is it filled with liquid? Perhaps you should try to easily floss there as you may have food stuck in the gum and clean with peroxide. Good luck.

28-06-09, 20:47
If you can't go to the doctor, I would suggest rinsing the hell out of it with an antiseptic mouthwash, and getting you hands on an antibiotic. Both should along with brushing the infected area should take care of gingivitis. If it doesn't get better or gets worse after that, then I would suggest altering your plans or having family or friends wire some money to have it properly looked at.